I don't know if there is still anyone reading my diary but hopefully there is!
I'm not going to lie, i haven't stuck to any sort of eating plan, i started but then gave up.
My partner finally got back to work and since then we have moved into a lovely new house, hectic but it's all sorted and done now, we only moved in on Sunday, so 3 days ago but we all already feel really at home
im alot closer to my family now, literally 2 minutes in the car so im happy
I have started again today, had a chocolate shake for breakfast, my other half is taking me to tesco when he finishes work so i can get a print out of my weight and everything (im expecting to be around 16 and a half stone) to see what my start weight is and then im going tesco again on Saturday morning to get another print out and then im going to get weighed every Saturday morning after that
I have so many reasons why i want to do this and lose ALOT of weight (around 8 stone) but the one that really pushed me into action was when my daughter (she's only 2 and half years old) told me i had a big tummy! .. don't get me wrong i love her with all of my heart but i was so upset when she said it! .. in a way i should thank her for finally kicking my fat a** into doing something about it!!
I know losing 8 stone is going to take a very long time but im in this for the long haul and i don't plan on stopping until im at goal, i know it's going to be extremely hard as i have done this before and then given up when my other half was temp laid off, but i finally feel 100% like i can and will do this, my head is definatley in the right place for once, i am going to set myself a target of getting to my goal weight of 8 stone by my daughter's 3rd birthday which is October 26th, i have alot of things to get through over the next 8 months including my 21st but i know i can do it and my other half has told me he will do all he can to help me
I Will be updating my stat's when i have weighed myself tonight
I Will be writing in my diary every single day and some day's it will be more than once where i just need somewhere to have a moan!!
Good luck to everyone new and everyone who is already on this and any other diet plan!