My Cambridge diet diary

Hello! Im about to start the CD soon - have read your posts and gave a little silent cheer when I just read how much you lost! Well done! You have inspired me to give it a go now!! Am hoping to lose about 2-3 stone but am RUBBISH at diets but determined now! Any tips would be helpful! I have a 2 year old daughter and I am going to find it hard not to finish off her left overs!!! Good luck and well done!
Thanks FBS!!!
Hi Cookie! I'm so glad my experience has been an inspiration to you :). As a newbie myself, i'm still learning all the tips and tricks of the diet, but i would say willpower is the most important thing to have. I found the first day fine, but the next 2-3 days were really hard. I've been doing the sole source, but during the hard days, I kept telling myself 'if its harder tomorrow, i'll have a SS+ day', but all of a sudden, it got easier. As for not eating your little ones leftovers, I know exactly how you feel there. It is hard, The 1st couple of days, i found myself putting leftover bits of sandwich to my mouth, then before i put it in, i remembered my CDC telling me that even a bit of bread can take u back to square 1... That helped massively!!
Also, this forum has been a massive support to me. Just reading other peoples stories and getting support is a massive help.
When do you start? It'd be great to support one another. xxx
I'm hoping to start this week, but I can't get hold of my counsellor arghh!!! I keep waking up in the night for ages thinking about it - very silly I know - and thinking about how I need to start now as I am getting very down about my size. Have had 2 months at home (am a teacher) and need to get into my clothes ready for school or Im going to feel even more rubbish!! Oh well Im sure it will be fine! I thought about going to the gym this morning, but it remained a thought rather than a reality! Oops! Good luck today!
Good luck with it!! Just gotta keep in your head that it does get easier.

Had a very panicky morning so far. Put Oscar to bed and after bout 10 mins he let out a massive scream, ran to him and he'd got his chunky little leg stuck through the cot bar right up to his nappy. I managed to wriggle it down to above his knee with some vaseline, but it was so swollen I couldn't get it any further. And he was screaming so much. Oscar is such a tough little cookie, and hardly ever cries, so i know its really painful when he does. After help from my wonderful neighbour and lots of cold flannels to reduce swelling, we finally got it out, all battered and bruised!! I wanted to take himstraight to hospital, but his dad and neighbour said to wait a bit and see how it is. He's moving it, but doesn't want to put weight on it. If swelling doesn't go down, i'll take him up. He's now back in bed, IN HIS GROWBAG!! :(
My poor little angel :(
Been up at the hospital getting little man's leg checked out. No break, just badly bruised,though the way he's throwing himself around, you'd think there was nothing wrong with his leg. :)

Back to the diet though, as a result of an afternoon at hospital, I didn't realise 'till about 5pm i'd forgotten to have lunch. I was feeling very tired and shakey, but initially put it down to being a panicky mum all day as it was his first accident, then realised i'd only had a shake all day.
So had my soup and feel much better. Also, drinking lots of water as i neglected that a little, and only had a small bottle during the afternoon.
Fingers crossed tomorrow will be a less eventful day!!! :sigh:
poor you, what a day you've had. glad the wee man is okay.

and although u forgot to eat lol at least u didnt do the opposite and reach for some bad food.

hope 2moro is a more chilled day for you xx
Thanks.. Yeah definitely!! Before starting CD i'd have convinced the OH to get us a Chinese or something to chill out with in the evening. :) Yey to the Cambridge diet ;)
good for u girl :D:D

just looking at ur stats here.
did u really lose 1 stone in a week?? (WOW!!!) GOOO YOUU!!! xxx
thats amazing..... :clap:


Day 9
So far so good today, no little dramas or accidents and everything is calm and lovely. Just getting on with my summer assignment. Am determined not to leave it to the last minute as i always tend to do.
Not much to report diet wise... I seem to have got into the swing of the CD thing and it just seems to be normality now. Still on a bit of a high about Monday's weigh in. All in all, i'm feeling great!!:D
Oh my word - how is he now? I would have freaked out! I hope he is ok!

I'm starting CD friday. Got hold of my counsellor eventually and am seeing her tomorrow night. Typical that Im due out for lunch Friday and Sunday, working all day Saturday and going on holiday on monday! Am going to need help!!
He's fine now.. Just a bit of bruising on the knee. He's a real bruiser, so never really grumbles. He's using it properly again and getting into his usual mischief, so i'm not worried. I think coz it was his first accident, i panicked a bit more than i should have, but i suppose that's what a mum is there for. :)

You'll be fine once your into it.
Where are you off to on your hols?
This evening was the first time I cooked a proper meal for the family. So far, i've cooked for my son, but my poor OH has lived on jacket potatoes and his own creations. It felt really good. I love to cook and am so glad that even though i'm not eating the food, I can still get the same enjoyment out of something I would call a hobby. This has been a great milestone in the CD for me. :D:D:D:D:D:D
Excellent. Well done. Just a thought, but you could eventually work in some of the meals on the higher steps, to get your OH prepared for when you are moving up the plans. ;)