My Cambridge diet diary

Very well done. Mmmmmm cake. Ahem, where was I? Oh yes, cake. No, weakness!! It's normal really. Our bodies are basically being fed the most minimal energy possible and the brain takes most of it. I was in HMV bending down looking at movies on the lower shelves, when I stood up I came over all dizzy. Such hard work!! :D
Oh thats ok, cheers FBS.... My OH was telling me to eat something, but i was reassuring him that it'll go. Feeling much better today though.
Going to a BBQ sat, and i'm allowing myself to have a piece of chicken and some salad... MMMMMMMM, Solid food :D
Not bad considering I totally ballsed up over the weekend and drank LOTS and LOTS of alcohol. Not too fussed about that though. Even on a diet, I feel that I have to let my hair down every now and then, and am definitely not planning on repeating the weekends carnage very often (if only to avoid the awful 2 day hangover i have today :) )
So all in all, still happy with the loss :D
4lbs is a really good loss. You are doing really well, especially getting back on track after a blip.
Keep up th e good work x
well done missus. i had a blow out over the weekend but i didnt just stop at alcohol i ate like a flamin horse aswell...i gained a pound!!......serves me rite...i will live and learn!!! hope ur keepin well xx
Cheers!!! Yeah doing great thanks. Really enjoyed just doing my own thing this weekend. I've stuck to the diet like glue over the last 3 weeks, so i'm happy to be a little naughty. And we had SO much fun, it was worth every minute. We just went to a BBQ yesterday and by the night time, the guy whose birthday it was got his guitar out and everyone was singing Johnny Cash... Quality night!!! :)
Don't get yourself stressed about the gain, its done and all u can do is look forward. xxx
Yeah back on track cheers. I'm not giving the diet much thought at the minute. I guess u just get to a point when its normality and u just get on with it. I was concerned that my session over the weekend would make me loose motivation, as is what normally happens when i'm dieting, but it hasn't made any real effect...... Which is great!!! Also, i'm doing all the wedding arrangements this week, so my head is all full of girly pretty things, so no room to think about food :D
How's it for you. Are u over the rubbish bit yet?? x
Well done! Yes today I have had my mind taken off it and kept busy so it just seems normal now. I guess its easier. Still getting rumbling stomach - I really did think that that would stop. Oh well. When is the wedding?x
Wow you are organised! So much incentive for you to do well! I got married at christmas on the 21st dec, freezing cold, but had my extra weight as padding...!x
Was that last year??
My lil man was born on the 20th Dec. We were supposed to get married last year, but then he decided to come along :p
I'm glad you picked yourself up by the scruff of the neck and got yourself back on track. Don't let a blip ever put you off. It's not worth dwelling on. Just put it behind you and move on. :)
Cheers FBS!! and to be honest, I had such a perfect night I can't regret it. I am def a girl that likes to go out and have fun with my friends, and i can't/won't change that.... I just have to have them less often if i'm going to succeed on this diet. And with Oscar now, I very rarely go out these days, so not going to stop having a laugh when the rare (as i'm sure every other mum to a small child knows) opportunity comes along :D
Yes, I can totally understand that. As long as you know you can get back on to Cambridge straight after, then you have to do what is best for you. I think a break now and then can actually help some people.

Disclaimer: I just want to add that I'm not recommend this to others, as most people would struggle getting back on track. :nono:
Hi, just wanted to say hello and see how you're doing today.
Hope you have a great day. :)
Hey Tessieg!!
I'm good cheers, Today seems to be going v well so far. How's it going for you?? Are u finding the diet ok?

I agree with you. Don't want to advocate my naughty behaviour, but for me personally, I seem to find this diet easy to get back into after letting my hair down, so every once and a while, I'm ok with :D
Hello - Ive missed this! I am now back at work so no time to check to see what you are all doing and how you are getting on! Oh well. I agree that you need to have a break if you think that you can get straight back to it - Me, I am too worried that I wouldn't do it!