My Cambridge returner diary - Its coming off and staying off!!

Heyyy :)
I did a psychology degree a few years ago and now desperately tryin to get an assistant psych job....VERY competitive!! Hoping to apply for a masters next yr but so expensive!! Good luck with ur work and the diet!! I loved studying psych!! Xxx
Hi Lea,

Good luck with your applications - this is just a unit in my Adult Nursing Degree :) Enjoying it though as I studied psychology at A level :)

Well, today is day 6. We have about 2 foot of snow outside (if I step in it, it comes up to my knees!) and my shakes run out tomorrow. I hope I can get to my CDC!

Day 5 went brilliant - even got away with not saying anything at uni! Told a friend i was doing it and she was a bit jealous at my determination! :) Shouldn't probably grin at that but she will see how determined I am and how good I will look lol. I had a hot choccy shake for breakfast, peanut bar for lunch and hot vanilla shake for tea. I only managed 1l of water yesterday (bad) but did have about 8 large cups of black decaf coffee so hopefully that would make up for it. Will make sure I drink plenty today though to make up for it.

School is closed so I have munchkin at home. Uni is closed so I should really be cracking on with my psychology essay and A&P revision but I can't see that happening - too stressed about next week!

I'm having my hair cut short this afternoon - can't wait! Going to be a bit like Kiera Knightley or maybe a little shorter.... bring it on.

Right, been up an hour now, thinking about a shake but might wait a bit longer. Would love to go out for a run too but as the snow is so deep, it's not going to happen. And I can't get to the gym either (its at uni) so will just have to take munchkin & the dog out for a walk instead :)

Wonder what delights today will hold? Can't remember what shakes I have left so will be pot luck with a side helping of water. Had a sneaky jump on the scales this morning and look to have lost at least 8lb since Saturday :) bring it on - that is why I love this diet!

Best crack on. TTFN xx
Just got a bit of a shock actually. I found my original CD card from 2007 when I started..... I was 14 stone 11lb - only 11lb heavier than I am now! OMG - I am actually shocked. off out now for a walk with monkey & the dog & the sledge....
Well, I was in for a surprise last night. First WI and I lost (wait for it)...... 11lb!!!!!!!!!! OMG How amazing is that!!! 11lb gone - I'm still in shock myself!

I will be happy with a 3lb loss this week as I was out last night for a Christmas do. Did eat pretty sensibly although choices had been made a couple of months ago. Smoked duck (3 little slices) and lettuce with a dinky bread roll for starters, roast beef (2 slices), little yorkshire pudding, few carrots, piece of cauliflower & a couple of sugar snap peas and 3 little new potatoes for main (bit carby there and FFS all the bleeding veg had butter on it!!!) then desert, well, lets say at least it had fresh fruit! I drank water all night and this morning, am about to make a yummy toffee and walnut shake - back on it today, until the 17th when I have another xmas do.

11lb..... so proud :)

Well done Kippax, what a fabulous loss!

And sounds like you handled the dinner well.... fair play for not succumbing to the temptation of having a drink .. would have made today so much harder.
Hi and welcome,I like your post,you seem very determine so go for it girl.I am nearly finishing my 2nd week on SS and will update on my losses on mondays weighting day.Keep it up and I am sure you will do it in no time
Hi Gg and Mummyoftwo,

Thanks for your replies. Yes, I am pleased with my choices and I know that on the 17th I won't be drinking either, it certainly makes the next day easier! I am also determined. Hopefully it won't take long to get back into ketosis, will test again tomorrow to see. Yesterday went well - toffee and walnut for breakfast, cranberry crunch for lunch and vanilla for tea. Went shopping with mum yesterday and had the biggest ever cup of coffee in Starbucks (grande decaf americano) Tried on a fab leopardprint jumpsuit and was amazed at how good it looked! Would never have tried one of those on in the past!

Today will probably be a bit samey as yesterday - toffee and walnut for breakfast, bar for lunch and either vanilla or a soup for tea.... CDC didn't have any choc-orange bars or choc-mint shakes!!!! She did tell me that the new bars are in mid-december, can't wait for those.

Off to tidy up - my house is a shocking mess. Got to go do a little christmas shopping later and hope to make some headway with my psychology assignment... best crack on

you are doing really well. your post brought back memories of the tom soup ! urgghhhhh. when i first had it it actually made me cry it was THAT bad!
Not too bad today. Had shake (vanilla with a spoon of coffee in) for breakfast and a malt toffee bar for lunch. However, went shopping with mum & she pretty much force fed me a sausage roll (was lovely) and took munchkin round there for tea tonight and she had made me a salmon roll (small breadroll with red salmon in...) So, not a fantastic day food wise but at least I won't have her looking over me now. Love spending time with her but she doesn't understand the diet and doesn't approve of it - hence why I Haven't told her I'm doing it again.... Did buy a couple of lovely dresses in peacocks today though - they gave us a voucher for 40% off so it would have been rude not to rofl.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I doubt I will have done that much damage - will do a run in the gym to work it off :)

And yes leeds, that tomato soup is the most vile thing I have ever tasted - she gladly took it back though lol.

Bought myself a reusable ice pack today so that I can keep tetra's cold on Tuesday when I have to go to take munchkin for his op - will have one cold and the other with some hot water in.... going to be fun trying to stick to cd whilst at the hosp..... hmmmmm.....

Right, off to wrap pressies, see what I can get done tonight.

Night all

you sound just like me.......
I have 3 stone to lose.
I just want to do it.
I will be 50 in 6 Months.
and I think this is the best way to get it off fast
I do not want to tell people I am doing only my husband
I am planning bars for lunch and try to hide it at work.
wish me luck , I am back
Good luck ESK140 - you can do it.

I have had a pretty poor week this week. Had friday night off for a christmas party and was straight back on the diet on Saturday. However, Sunday mum practically force fed me a sausage roll and a salmon sandwich. Monday I was 100% cambridge and Tuesday was 66% - had a shake and a bar then the nurses at the hospital were providing me with a egg sandwich and a packet of hula hoops! (think its cos they hadn't seen me eating & couldn't be a*sed explaining the diet. Wednesday I had a pasty and a coconut slice and a bar for tea and Thursday went out the window too. So, back on the wagon today. Off to pick up more supplies but not getting weighed and have told cdc why. will get some different shakes today to stave off the boredom and have 8 days solid SS - hope to get a good 7lb off. from where I am now... just in time for another christmas party. Taking a trip to the gym tonight - I am pretty cooped up after munchkins operation - he's not allowed out for 2 weeks! He's doing my head in rofl.

Right, off to find something to do with him. See you later
Hi Determinator,

Thanks for your encouragement. I know we have off days - seems december wasn't the best month to start but its a start lol. He is 4 and had his tonsils & adenoids out and grommets put in. We had to stay in hospital overnight hence the nurses feeding me - they brought something for him & usually doubled up so I got something too, they were fantastic! Back at it today though...

Well I am back. Restarted after Christmas on january 1st and lost 8 lb of what I regained. Only 3lb to return to where I got to before Xmas. Bring it on! Loving the new choc mint bar and pecan/maple porridge :) and exams are nearly over too will be on with the hard slog now on placement! X