Well, today is day 6. We have about 2 foot of snow outside (if I step in it, it comes up to my knees!) and my shakes run out tomorrow. I hope I can get to my CDC!
Day 5 went brilliant - even got away with not saying anything at uni! Told a friend i was doing it and she was a bit jealous at my determination!
Shouldn't probably grin at that but she will see how determined I am and how good I will look lol. I had a hot choccy shake for breakfast, peanut bar for lunch and hot vanilla shake for tea. I only managed 1l of water yesterday (bad) but did have about 8 large cups of black decaf coffee so hopefully that would make up for it. Will make sure I drink plenty today though to make up for it.
School is closed so I have munchkin at home. Uni is closed so I should really be cracking on with my psychology essay and A&P revision but I can't see that happening - too stressed about next week!
I'm having my hair cut short this afternoon - can't wait! Going to be a bit like Kiera Knightley or maybe a little shorter.... bring it on.
Right, been up an hour now, thinking about a shake but might wait a bit longer. Would love to go out for a run too but as the snow is so deep, it's not going to happen. And I can't get to the gym either (its at uni) so will just have to take munchkin & the dog out for a walk instead
Wonder what delights today will hold? Can't remember what shakes I have left so will be pot luck with a side helping of water. Had a sneaky jump on the scales this morning and look to have lost at least 8lb since Saturday
bring it on - that is why I love this diet!
Best crack on. TTFN xx