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Our cats are named after The West Wing characters, it's one of our favourite shows 
This is CJ:

We got her in October 2009 through a Cat Rescue charity. She had been dumped in a bin while she was pregnant and had cat flu
She was so affectionate when we first met her that we fell in love with her immediately! To have gone through what she did and to be so trusting is just amazing. She's nearly 4 now and she loves a cuddle... but only on her terms
She didn't come out of the rescue experience completely unscathed sadly: She overcleans when she gets nervous (which is often) so she has bald patches on her front paws and hind quarters. The vet has tried all kinds of tablets and we always have Feliway but nothing stops her for long. We just try and give her all the affection we can and make her life now a happy one and she lets us know when she's happy - She has the loudest purr I've ever heard from a cat! She also strokes your arm or leg with her tail when you stroke her
She's a lovely cat, how anyone could dump her in a bin is beyond me!
This is Donna:

We got Donna in January 2011 from a friend of mine. She is another rescue cat, she was dumped in a bag aged 6 months old with her 3 kittens on Boxing Day in the snow!
Luckily, I think they were found quickly, they all survived and are happily rehomed now
Donna's nearly 2 now and she's a happy, healthy cat - a little too adventurous for our liking sometimes but she's smart enough to stay away from the road - she did get stuck up a tree once though! She's a total poser, I think she'd have made a good model cat, whenever I get the camera out she poses and looks right at the camera. She's a total mummy's girl (Yes, my cats are my babies!) she generally disappears outside in the day, but she comes back when I call her and in the evening she's like my little shadow and follows me wherever I go (she's asleep on my knee now), If I let her she'll sleep on my legs in bed too
She gets giddy if any of us have something wrapped in foil, she likes us to ball it up and throw it so she can play fetch. never known a cat like her!
This is CJ:

We got her in October 2009 through a Cat Rescue charity. She had been dumped in a bin while she was pregnant and had cat flu
She didn't come out of the rescue experience completely unscathed sadly: She overcleans when she gets nervous (which is often) so she has bald patches on her front paws and hind quarters. The vet has tried all kinds of tablets and we always have Feliway but nothing stops her for long. We just try and give her all the affection we can and make her life now a happy one and she lets us know when she's happy - She has the loudest purr I've ever heard from a cat! She also strokes your arm or leg with her tail when you stroke her
This is Donna:

We got Donna in January 2011 from a friend of mine. She is another rescue cat, she was dumped in a bag aged 6 months old with her 3 kittens on Boxing Day in the snow!