ProPoints My Choice

Hey there Zeke

You will find that if you put what you eat down you will eat far less... but you will eat more wisely...

I do eat a lot of fruit.. but I do have to be careful that I don't eat too much as they do have a lot of natural sugar... so watch out for that! But make sure you do have some as this will help to give you that boost when you need it along with other vits etc.-

Ok I had a quick look and used my calculator.. and it said that 1/2 cup of all bran so 31 gms or 1.1oz of ALL BRAN was 3 pp but you are having 40gms and putting it at 3pps.

Going to post this in case it shuts me out but going to look at the rest for you is that ok?:D
Thanks, yes! I checked the All bran using the shopping guide, I think. I will re-check though...yes, shopping guide says that 1 medium bowl (40g) is 3 PP. I think all bran is quite dense cp to other breakfast cereals so 1/2 cup is more like 45g.

Eating fruit and veg is not a problem for me - yesterday was just odd having none in! As I said I will usually eat four portions - I am reluctant to eat more than that though. I would rather bulk out my points more by making some soup with free veggies etc.

I was really hungry after lunch today (which is fairly unusual for me). I had a jumbo tubes dunker (3) and then had 3 slices of ww bread (3) (I was satisfied after two though, so I should have stopped but by now it was toast!) extra than planned.

I used to ease myself onto ww diets by having gradually less points until I got down to my target points for a few days. I didn't expect to do it this time as I had been doing SW! I know from past experience that it doesn't take too long before I am forcing myself to have enough points! I wish that would hurry up!

I think my main problem today is not keeping myself busy enough!

I guess the acid test is whether I am losing weight (I am a daily weigher and so far I am down 1.4 lbs this dieting week (thu-thu)) and I am. I don't have any problem at all using all my weeklies and some activity points if I am losing weight.

Do you know how many activity points you are allowed to spend? I know of discovery it was up to 12 pts (I almost never spend any of mine then). In my 'track' book there is space to record 30 being earnt and 30 being spent. Can you spend up to 30? I think this first week I may need to dip into those...

Today I plan:

Breakfast (7.30 am)

40g All bran (3) :checkmark:
Banana (0):checkmark:
1/4 pt Semi skimmed milk (2):checkmark:

Morning snack (10.45)

Fruit, if needed Apple (0)
Extra milk for coffee (1)

Lunch (12.45)

large salad (0):checkmark:
Tin of Tuna (3):checkmark:
Salad Cream (1) ran out
WW yogurt (1):checkmark:
Dunkers jumbo tubes (3)
3 slices ww bread (3)

Afternoon Snack

Fruit, if needed A few strawberries (0) and some sugar-free jelly (0)


ww meal (6)
Mixed free veg (0)
ww yogurt (1)


Fruit (0)
Jelly (0)
6 points to spend as I wish (6)


Water, black coffee, green tea, no sugar squash. Must point milk if used.

Total = 29

It is really very kind of you to look at my food intake like this but please don't trouble to check all the points values etc - I have ww scales and I am measuring and checking everything anyway.
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I am not sure about the activity ones as someone told me that you use the ones you record... but I don't record or use them.. as that is life and would you go around and say example... mowed the lawn for 2 hours (my lawn is big lol) and that is blah blah points and I am going to reward myself with food!

Personally I would rather reward myself with a nice bath and a new nail enamel to do my nails lol... but someone will come along soon to let you know lol.

I go the All Bran from their own site and the weight from their rates... that was kelloggs?

I have days of feeling oooo hungry so I have a drink and then think ahh ok that is better... lol
I agree - I wouldn't bother counting the points for things like mowing the lawn etc!

I wasn't suggesting that I use activity points as a reward. I just want to know how many I can use if I am having a difficult week and I need them to keep myself mentally on track.

I have a lot of lose and there will be weeks that I will hang on by the skin of my teeth using every point available to me - yes, I may have a sts or low loss but it is much more important that I am still on the program to embrace the easier weeks that follow and will yield bigger losses.

Yes, it is Kelloggs. I am happy that it is 3 pp. I have checked using the packet and the calculator now and it agrees with the shopping guide.

Anyway, I have popped to the shops and I am now stocked up with jelly and I also bought a lower point ready meal for tonight (6).

Off swimming now!
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The good news is that my bigger lunch has meant I'm not hungry at all yet. I plan to have dinner at 7 pm tonight. Could be the way to go. I think I will get a sweet potato tomorrow and try that baked with lunch tomorrow.

Right now I need to find something to do that isn't sitting on my fat arse in front of a computer screen...which is exactly where I spend way too much time!
I ended the day using 4 weekly points - and I am really pleased with that :D.

I am not at work tomorrow so my #1 thing for tomorrow (and this will be hard for me!) is to stay off my desktop computer the entire day. After I put my weight data into fridgegraph I shall turn the computer off and it shall stay off until after my son has gone to bed.

I also plan to take the dogs on a 3+ mile walk and do my normal Monday 50 mins in the gym.

I think using my computer in the evenings instead (hopefully doing something useful like scanning photos or a bit of work) of watching TV will stop the evening nibbles!
I admit I am on the computer during that day! My excuse is that DH was having a meeting in the house and despite taking the dogs for a 1 hr 40 min walk - it was still going when I got back so I needed to get out of the way.

I got my one pair of jeans (Boden size 18) dirty on the walk (that is one pair I own that fits - it is also my only pair of casual trousers and I don't wear skirts!) so decided to have a look in the depths of the wardobe for some jeans/casual trousers that may just fit. I tried on some boden size 16 casual trousers first - a definite no for those! The I tried some size 16 Dorothy Perkins jeans - yep - perfect fit! Oh the joy of having two paris of casual trousers to wear!
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No gym this afternoon as son's tennis was cancelled due to the weather. At least I did the dog walk before the rain poured down!

If the weather is ok I plan to fit in another long walk with the dogs (maybe a different route - I don't fancy the woodland paths after even more rain!) tomorrow.

So far so good with sticking to daily points only. I have six left for this evening. Definitely finding it much easier today!
YAY for the easy day!!

I could have easily not had my 29 points today - what a contrast to a couple of days ago! I do however want to eat all 29 points every day so I had a couple of no filling treats to bring me up to that.

Back-fired slightly as when I was flicking through the quick guide I discovered that only the first sugar-free jelly (small ready-made pot or 1/4 pack) is free and I had two today. So, I had my 29 daily points and 1 weekly point.
Happy days!

I was down 1.2 lbs today which takes it to 2.8 lbs so far this week wth two days to go.

That probably doesn't sound much for my first week BUT this is only my first week on ww not my first week on a diet - it is my 11th week on a diet.

I really, really enjoyed the long dog walk and I want to try and fit as many of those in as I possibly can. Not sure if I will take my older dog on all of them (I'll see what he says...he will completely refuse to go on a walk if he feels he is being over walked!).
Well done on the dog walking.. it is all good exercise isn't it... also good for the skin... so will help us to look younger too!

Glad you are still enjoying WW and losing weight.. that is what it is all about. I was telling my hubs about me having to eat all my PPs and he was no you don't (He knows jack poop) and then tells me I am doing it all wrong.. which does nothing for my self confidence... and you know what.. I thought.. stuff it.. I am doing it my way and I am happy.... and that is the way we should all do it.

Dieting... or eating regime as I prefer as when you say diet you want to eat everything including the neighbours all a guide... what works for one may not for all so it is all trial and error...

So happy thoughts help to weight loss... so keep smiling and walking....:D
Thanks Yes!

This week I lost 2.4 lbs (fluctuated up a little last two days after big drop - as is typical) and I am very happy with that. I ate all of my daily points each day and I also polished off all of my weeklies. I earnt 10 activity points (I only count dog walks of 1+ hours and gym/exercise DVDs of 30+ mins) and I think I spent a few of those, too!

I really, really want to lose 1.4+ lbs this week to hit 1.5 st and 10% - it has taken far too long to lose this half stone already! The plan is to continue eating all my daily points but I doubt I will 'need' my weekly points. I'm not making any rules up about those - I will just see how it goes. I also want to fit in more exercise this week and really start exploring some great routes for the long dog walks.
Week 2 Day 1: 29 daily + 4 weekly

I continue to fluctuate up after the big drop - I am a bit fed up of it now though and want to see some change tomorrow!

This week:

Mon 182.2
Tue 181.0 - 1.2
Wed 181.2 + 0.2
Thu 181.4 + 0.2
Fri 181.6 + 0.2

Things have been slow on the exercise front though. I missed my normal 30 mins x country stepper session last night as son didn't go swimming as normal. I have also been missing walking the dogs as the youngest is recovering from an operation (only short walks).

So, the plan today will be -
  • Try to just stick to daily points again.
  • Do an exercise DVD at 11 am and follow that by a short dog walk.
I may also do a longer dog walk in the evening when DH is home but I don't want to leave the young dog alone whilst I take the older one out - it wouldn't go down well!
Hi Zeke , you are doing great .Congrats on the 10% . These goals along the way are so important.

Just thinking though does it not drive you nuts weighing every day . I couldnt do that because my body can fluctuate 1-2 lbs (a day)depending on fluid retension, bowel situation, TOTM etc and it would drive me Cukkoo !!!. Dont panic about small increases .Its quiet normal .
Hi Michillinwoman - thanks for stopping by!

I haven't got my 10% yet - still 1.6 lbs off. Quite desperate to get it now though for lots of reasons! This latest half-stone is coming off so slowly!

I am a seasoned daily-weigher so I am quite used to the daily fluctuations etc (I have been WI every morning now for 16 months and putting data into fridgegraph), so I fully expected to see this pattern. However, it can also be a prompt to shake things up a bit! I definitely sticks to diets for longer with more success when I daily-weigh.
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Oops :eek:

I didn't keep myself busy enough today and as a consequence convinced myself that I was still hungry after lunch and had a very large handful of a nuts/dried fruit/choc mix. ummm...I worked out the points for a serving but the reality is I don't know how much I had. That was 7 points so I will just have to go with that. :sigh:

The good news is that it DID satisfy me. Good old weekly points!
I am in a real motivational slump now :rolleyes:

Not with the diet (still hanging in there - just) but with everything today! It all seems so hard :confused:. I should be excited - I've had the green light to go ahead and do some stuff around the house and book a holiday but that has only managed to overwhelm me.

A lot of this stems from my internet use and I have to face that. I go on the internet and waste time on a habitual way. I have made the effort to stop that several times in the past and there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that I am happier and more productive when I spend significant less time on it. Yet I keep coming back.

I know the answer isn't here.

I have decided to close this thread. I will continue to update my stats on a Thursday (that is like going to class for me) and check out friends threads. I may start another weight-loss diary in the general section rather than a diet-specific one but ONLY when I am 180.0 lbs or below.