My Countdown - 20 Weeks to go!

Day 1 back on the wagon and I want to eat everything in sight! I always forget how hard it is to restart after a day off. Definately out of ketosis this morning, did a ketostik, not that I really needed to do one to know!

Evening weigh in 17st 5.5lbs, so 2lbs down already which is promising, can't wait for ketosis to kick back in. I am craving all the things that I would have let myself have yesterday, but didn't want. This is exactly why I decided to have them yesterday and draw a line, otherwise I knew I would just carry on for days!

Probably nowhere near enough water, but 2 tetras and a bar down. I'm hoping ketosis comes quickly, I'm hating this feeling! Feel so desperate and I seem to be watching every minute pass by, the only thing I can concentrate on is what food I want. Can't seem to concentrate on anything else!
Just had a good read of the contents of a tetra and a bar, I never realised there were so many carbs in them?!

A tetra = 14 grams
A bar = 15.1 grams

So daily thats 454 kcals, 42.4 grams of protein and 43.1 grams of carbs?!

Doesn't the Atkins introduction phase say you should have 10 grams of carbs a day?

What happens if you eat very low carbs, but have loads more protein? You can't store it, so does it just pass through? Is it only carbs that makes up glycogen stores?

Questions, questions, questions!
don't worry about atkins and cd. totally different things. :) you'll drop your weight fast as it is no real gain. you can, and some people do, store about 7lbs of excess water. when your stores fill it could add 7lbs of 'fill'. we are having xmas day tomorrow but having a takeout. not sure what we are having but i have my weigh in monday so not looking forward to things like that after eating loads.
Well the scales this morning are showing 17 st 4.7 lbs, so we're getting there! Hoping I can scrape a STS come Monday, I don't want to put back on!

I'm going riding this weekend on my friends new horse, for anyone who knows horses, he's 17.2 / 17.3. For anyone who doesn't know horses, its enormous. I literally have to use the step ladder to get on. Will post a pic later, at least I won't look like a heffer on top of him!
Wow have fun Kerry!!
Hoo hum! Can't get back on the diet, today should be ketosis day but can't help picking at things. Had 2 creme eggs today :( and a bottle of normal coke :(
Big horsey!


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Big horse!


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you need to find your buzz again. just do it.
My god the big horse is huge!!! It's so hard to get back on track, but you can do it!! Xx
Tomorrow is a fresh day, week days are so much easier as I have a routine! Swimming in the morning, really don't enjoy getting up but it's got to be done!
Me too, my cough medicine has knocked me out of ketosis and I'm hungry but feel stuffed it's very strange. I need to hang on and not cave in!!
He's massive, hehe, but at least I look in preportion! Lol
Really really really struggling! I had chicken pie and chips for tea last night, so today was fresh start and now I've had some chocolate cake at work... Because it was there!

Argh!!! I knew I shouldn't have had my birthday off, now can't find my mojo again. I'm starving the whole time, I feel obsessed! Why does ketosis have to take so long ?
Come on kez, u can do this!!! Maybe u should get to your CDC sooner rather than later to get the kick up the bum u need!! U can't give up- I need you!!! And just imagine how much weight u can lose nice and gradually for ur wedding next year? No more chocolate cake!!! Xx
I'm not giving up, this is where I got to last time and I want to get well into the 16's before I even consider stopping cd. Just wish I could get my groove back.

I am missing the flatter belly feeling, feel bloated and lethargic. Trousers are tight and fingers are puffy, plus my boobs are sore so due on soon :(
No wonder you're struggling to get your mojo back then hun. TOTM is bad enough without trying to get back on track too, but you can do it!!!
It's so difficult when it's totm!! Just try and get through each day! I'm soooo hungry today and all I want is cherry cola bottles!! Random or what!! Xx