My Diary: 1 down, 60 to go!

hi hun , keep at it with your hard work your doing a great job i know it can be testing at times but keep at it , it helps that you know the plan works! (despite knowing it seemed quicker the first time)
i love the experimenting with food and the pics u post, i really need to get back into the kitchen to mix it up a little but with all the kids (and it being school hols at mo) now isnt the right time :)
we ve got similar start and goal weights hun and im sure we'll do it no matter how long i say to myself !
we all want a magic wand but in all honesty we kjnow how long it took to get to this weight its only realistic to think it d take a while to come back off .
happy losing babes ill be around to check in x
Thankyou!! It does get hard sometimes, and sometimes you just wanna give up!! But you can't!! The way I'm thinking about it now is even though it's slower than last time, it's going in the right direction and I'll get there eventually!! My mum does WW and she just eats the same 4/5 meals all the time, which suits her but I couldn't do that! That's why i have to experiment and try new things!!

Anyway, update: cottage pie turned into burgers with all the veg and cheese (A) and 2 rolls (B+6) so total syns are 8.5!! X
I need advice. I'm not sure that it's working anymore. I'm doing extra easy at the moment because it just suits me better.

The problem I have is my family. My mum is constantly on my back about it because "when I did it last time I just did red/green I did so well, and I've only lost 3lbs so far"

I always put the slower weight-loss down to not really doing any exercise, because the difference between this time and last time is that last time I was on my feet working 20hrs a week.

Should i just go back to the red and green plans? Or just keep going as I am? Or what?? I don't really know :-/ x
When I did SW the first time I did red/green days (mostly green) then changed to EE but didn't really lose that much so now I'm just doing green days as I know that will give me good loses (hopefully). Theres no right or wrong do whichever suits you best x
Did 10mins of me exercise DVD, gonna try to do at least 10mins every morning. Breakfast was spaghetti hoops and a wholemeal roll (B) and a coffee with a dash of milk (1).

Going out with my friend to the cinema soon so going to have an early lunch so I don't get the munchies!! Just going to have some mince and veg in tomato sauce (all free!!)

Probably going to do cottage pie tonight. Will remember to take a pic of it too!! X
Some people find they lose better on one plan rather than another.

I think it's a good idea to mix it up every now and again just to confuse our bodies :)
This is what I made for lunch. Not really sure what it is lol, maybe a soup/broth?? It's just bee mince and mushrooms in a home-made tomato sauce with a splodge of BBQ sauce (1) it's yummy though!!

Had a portion of sugar free orange jelly too :D (1/2)

Total syns so far: 2.5



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I am thinking of going to red days for a while as i have always known carbs are not too good for my body...i am trying to find red dairies on here but most seem to be EE or not said and i could make it into EE or Red LOL.
Let us know what you decide tho!
Cai said:
I am thinking of going to red days for a while as i have always known carbs are not too good for my body...i am trying to find red dairies on here but most seem to be EE or not said and i could make it into EE or Red LOL.
Let us know what you decide tho!

Well when I started first time around I did mainly green. But I prefer extra easy because I only really have one a and b generally and i like having meat and pasta/potato together!! It's really only my evening meals that are really extra easy plan!!

What I'm gonna do though, is stick at extra easy plan, do some more exercise and see how it goes, then talk to my SW consultant if it still doesnt seem to be working. Hopefully it will though!! X
Here's my dinner (the OHs favourite!!) cottage pie!! Made with beef mince, peppers, mushrooms, onion, homemade tomato sauce and BBQ sauce (2) with cheesy mash on top!! (A). Yummy yummy yummy!!!


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Off camping for the weekend!!! Gonna try my best but still enjoy myself!! Back on sunday, Wish me luck guys!! X
On farmland in the cotswalds, and have signal yay!! It's gorgeous out here!! Had a BBQ (3 sausages in buns) last night, spaghetti thismorning. Sent the OH out to get some spaghetti hoops, typical what does he come back with? 1 spaghetti and 2 ravioli!! Lol ah well!! Went out today for a big long ride out (about 13 of us) and I had a turkey an cranberry baguette for lunch!! Got the ravioli tonight, I've done better food-wise than last time we went camping!!

Anyway, here's the campsite, will post a few more nice piccies tomorrow !! X


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Just got home!! Had a fun evening! The campsite also had a bit of an off-road playground for the boys and their bikes, so ofcourse the OH went for a play, came down a bit hard off a jump and the footpeg/gear lever snapped off!! Luckily being in a campsite with about 40 other bikers, it was soon fixed!! Had a lovely weekend though!!

Had me ravioli thismorning, but then had a kfc atthe services because we were starving and it was either that of burger king!! Hopefully havent done too much damage, did go for a nice long walk aswell yesterday afternoon!!

Anyway, here's a few more piccies!! X


The OH on his bike (before he broke it!! Lol)


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