Hey Coughdrops, you're doing so well staying on track... I on the ther other hand have gone off the rails completely. Yesterday alone I had 6 roses, 2 packets of tayto (small size.. not that it makes much of a difference) and a mince pie with a little cream. I feel crap and my tummy is so bloated,... just generally feel yuck!
Was doing so well until Saturday night and then boom, it's like my say NO switch is broken!! Arrrggghhh why do I do this?
If you're going shopping tonight make sure you head for Aldi first.... they ahve super deals there at the minute... carrots, small bag of potatoes, melons, pineapples, mandarins, all 8c each... yes 8c !! Crazy!!!!! Planning on making some soup tonight, need to reign myself back in!!!!