serial poster
Well done on your weight loss Harriet! Sounds like a good plan re exante/food over your birthday/Xmas time.
How's the running going?
hi yeah im pleased so far and i think/hope that this will work out for me
re the running, yeah its going good. ive a long way to go to being back what i was this time last year but with a 10 month break its not quite like starting again but pretty much lol carrying extra weight is obviously a huge factor in it so the more i lose the faster ill get, in theory!
last oct i did the gsr in 90mins and next year i want to do a half marathon, not necessarily an organised one but theres somewhere local id like to run,itsall off road on an old railway track, some big hills but on the whole, mostly flat..so thats the plan.
do you run?
h xx