My Diary - the Ups & Downs of the CD Diet

Hey Trini,

Sounds like you are doing well with the water. I'm on day 2 aswell and only managed 3.5 yesterday. That sloshy feeling when you've just had a big drink is awful isn't it? I love water & drink loads normally but when you are trying to up your intake it just seems harder for some reason.

Have you had any hunger pangs yet? Mine have been fine - bit gurgly this am but nothing awful. I too had a headache, last night but it seems to have gone this morning. Hope you feel better soon.

Oooh well done for getting through day one :D hope your headache goes soon tho - whilst your getting the moose stuff get some waterflavourings as well - that'll help with the water intake and also to add it to your vanilla pack to make the mouse :D

I'm with you on the scales - I have left mine with a friend and am hoping I won't weigh in till the end of Feb. thing is tho we have our weigh in on Mondays so I might just close my eyes and let her make a note of it, then at the end of feb I can see how much I lost each week! thing is tho with that is that I'll probably think, 'ooh if she knows I may as well know too' lol no winning is there!

day 2 for you as well - great stuff - I went into ketosis quickly amd am def in the pink but feel some rumbles in my tummy, so think I shall make another shake soon - or gulp down some water..

ooh by the way pmsl is p*ssing myself laughing

stay strong folks and keep shaking :D
I messed up!

:cry: I didn't last the day yesterday. I ended up cheating. It wasn't a big cheat and it was 85% carb free but I still cheated. So I decided to give up for good. With that in my mind, I woke up this morning and had a bowl of porridge oats with skimmed milk.

Thought I should keep up the water so I had about 2 litres and then I was walking back into the kitchen to get more water and glimpsed at the mirror. I didn't have much clothes on (sorry - TMI!), was horrified by what I saw :jelous: and decided to give myself a humongous kick up the ass. Thought "I CAN'T GIVE UP! It would take me a yr 1/2 to lose this on any other diet. Maybe more than that. I may lose some, put some back on, lose some more and put it back on again"...etc etc etc. Not an option!

So, I had a few more litres, called my CDC and the good part is I've lost 3 lbs (as my ticker says). I've got a long way to go to lose half of me :eek: but I'll get there sooner than even I my CDC says! I also invested in the mousse today. He is back on SS (losing his last 3 stones) and he had a mousse made up in the fridge and gave me a taste. It was nice!!! Had a little nutmeg or cinnamon in it. yum!

Got my psyillium husks delivered this morning :D . I have no reason to cheat now :eek: . CDC says I can have as many mousses as I want many sachets, crisps, long as it's all cambridge. It may take a little longer but not as long as if I fall off. I can deal with that. ;) I think the porridge should keep me
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You will be so happy with yourself and once ketosis is firmly established you will find this diet so much easier to do.

It does take time to get your head around the fact that you do not need food.

Well done on your 3lb. weight loss!!!

Love Mini xxx
Hi Sacha :)

I don't think you "messed up" girl, as your title says!!!

I think your kick @ss did the trick and sound really focused now. Well done on the 3 lbs lost. That's 3 lbs you never have to bother about again.

Good to see you are in the right head place tonight.

Lacey xx
Hi trini and well for being so focused. i'm on LL and have been on it now almost a month i have had so many ups and downs and always thought i did not have a problem with food which i found out i did.....

But i have been poorly recently (wisdom tooth crowning) AND i was taking painkillers and anti-biotics which i hope havent made me pop out of ketosis cause my dentist said they may contain sugar.

I'm glad that another black person is on here and actually understands these VLCD because i am getting such torment from friends and famil to the point that my sister has asked me not to bother coming over for sunday dinner as i wont be eatting. (i think she's jelous that i will be slimmer than her)

Keep the faith

Awww well done for kicking yourself up the bottom and getting yourself back on track.

Its hardwork doing these diets but the rewards are so worth all the pain. Just think how much weight you could have lost by summer and how much better you will feel about yourself.:)
I'm glad that another black person is on here and actually understands these VLCD because i am getting such torment from friends and famil to the point that my sister has asked me not to bother coming over for sunday dinner as i wont be eatting. (i think she's jelous that i will be slimmer than her)

Keep the faith


Hey Kara.....don't worry babe there are quite a few black people, myself included, on this site at all stages of the journey. As you know though, weight issues have no colour but I totally get what you mean, as they certainly have a culture whether it be Jewish, West Indian, African, Irish, English, Asian .... whatever!!! :)

It never ceases to amaze me how much food dominates our family life! Don't worry about your Sister.... she obviously has her own issues to deal with if she would prefer you to be unhealthily overweight just so that she can feel better about eating in front of you!

Just keep going'll be fine...:)
Hey honey

I know what you mean about that kick up the butt!! Keep going mate - stay strong and remember you are doing this for yourself ;)

I'm glad that another black person is on here and actually understands these VLCD because i am getting such torment from friends and family to the point that my sister has asked me not to bother coming over for sunday dinner as i wont be eatting. (i think she's jelous that i will be slimmer than her)

:confused: Are you serious??? Well, you don't need that kind of negativity. If your own family can't be happy for the fact that you're determined to look and feel better then (don't mean to sound harsh) you don't need them! :mad: Let them be jealous, that'll be their issues 'cause when you're slim you won't have time to worry about them and their jealousy. You'll be too busy living it up! lol.

This time around I haven't told my family because I've tried to do this many times and every time I told them it was like "uhuh, yeah..watever!" 'cause I guess they expected me to fail. Then I would quit and say 'well, they didn't expect me to do it anyway'. So I decided not to tell them this time because I don't need any negativity in my head space. Even 'friend's' that said "Sacha, you don't need to lose weight, you look good! you carry your weight well"...I don't need to hear that! It's not going to help! 'Cause then I'd say, "I don't need to do this, I look good as I am". See the pattern? Well, my boyfriend said that he loves me as I am but he would be mad if I kept saying I wanted to lose it and never did anything about it. Fair enough! So, if it's not positive influences, block it out girl!

I appreciate what you said about black people being on here, but I honestly don't think that matters. I know our food (west indian, african) is heavy food and when we cook, we cook! when we eat, we eat!!! Loads of seasonings, carbs - rice, macaroni etc. So, I'm with you on that. But, the bottom-line is that we're all on here struggling the same (some cope better than others) and going through the same journey, helping eachother along the way. Race isn't an issue. Saying that, if you prefer to chat to me, you're more than welcome to email/pm me. :) This is my diary so you can always get @ me via this thread.

Thanks for the positivity ladies. I made two glasses of mousse this morning. They are nicely set in the fridge. had a little of one..yummy! If you want to know how I made it, just ask. they came out perfect thanks to the directions of my CDC. ;)

Here we go..the journey begins!!!
so good to hearing you sound soo positive..

glad you like the moousey thing :D

Great advice there from you cd counsellor to have as many packs as you need to, you'll probably find after a while you'll be ok with the 3 or 4, but for now have the extra's until you get into the swing of things :p

Keep shaking girlie :p
Thanks Geri. I don't love the mousse but it's something to chew, is a little sweet...will take a while to eat and does the job basically! ;-)

I'm shaking girl! lol

Yes. I wouldn't really call them crisps, but near enough. lol. Tried it with the chicken and veg or chicken and mushroom, can't remember! That was too salty. Then tried it with a caramel...interesting!!! lol.
I really can't do the crisps .......... I make a right mess of them!
Wish CD did ready made up crisps or savoury bars that we could make into crisps like making the bars into biscuits.
you can make biscuits from the bars? ooh, I am learning more and more every day :D
I love to slice my bar into 18 slices and slowly eat them....​

This is the highlight of my day:D