Silver Member
Smurfette said:I was so tired yesterday jenn - I was in bed at half 9 asleep by 10 - it's half 7 now and I could sleep on... I hate getting up when l it's dark!
I give my zumbatomic classes twice a week and do my shaker on the other days but I know I should do more to get this weight off ... I also noted I am doing a lot of treats over the day - I really have to address that - they r ww treats but even so! Even if I cut it down to one time a day to eat my treats rather than 3 times a day just cause they r there!!
I have lots of ww stuff in but I still need to plan better .... Theres a lot I places where I can improve! But bit by bit!!! Have a good day chicca - u are doing great drinking all that water its bound to have big impact!! xox
aww I know how you feel hun I'm always tired atm, got the proper January blues.
well done on the exercise hun, that must make u feel a bit better
I don't think it matters too much having treat things everyday as long as u stick within your dailies, I do it lol, I suppose it can't be great for you though but I just couldn't cope with it if I had to give up crisps ice cream and chocolate :/.
hope u have a fab day, keep it up