I have got the Zumba DVDs - used to do them religiously but haven't got them out for a while - you have inspired me.. Tomorrow it isxx
Still going well here. The scales aren't shifting the way I would like but hopefully they will by official weigh in on Friday. Food is all good with plenty of exercise so fingers crossed. Sent from my iPad using MiniMins
I wonder this too. I had a sort of rest day yesterday, still walked the dog as usual but nothing extra, scales showing 2.5 pounds down this morning, since yesterday! Hmmm, hope that hangs around for official weigh in tomorrow, fingers crossed. Sent from my iPad using MiniMins
2 off this week (was 3 yesterday!) and I could complain about that but I won't.... Sent from my iPad using MiniMins
So I have decided t do things a little differently this week and cut down on the carbs. Not go low carb exactly but I'm going to cut out bread and cut down my other carbs and see what difference, if any, it makes. Worth a try, I feel bread is really bloating me at the moment (as a side not, my small son has Coeliac disease and they say there is usually a genetic link, not sure I want to go there though!!) So, fruit and yogurt for breakfast, salad wit chicken or ham for lunch and chicken/veg maybe for dinner, that sort of thing. I am also going to weigh in on a Thursday I think from now on, suits better. Sent from my iPad using MiniMins