good day to you dusty im having a really good day had ordered some tops 2 sizes smaller and they fit![]()
was struggling last night didnt break diet but was the closest Iv been to breaking it but after trying on the smaller sized tops im full of joys of spring and loving my shakes
How are you doing lovely you staying strong x
Doll never doubt how strong you are the short time iv been on here you have inspired me you like me have a problem with addiction (food) and you are not hiding from it your facing it head on Iv always thought I was a freak not being able to control myself with food but im not its just a illness that we have and seeing you coping and doing it makes me think I can do it.Oh, that's a great feeling when you can get into a smaller size!!! Makes it worth itGlad you didn't cave last night. You're doing so well.
I'm staying strong (even though I've had the odd coke zero). Had a meeting with our regional director today to complain about one of his lackies. Four of us met together to put the complaint forward. It was quite stressful, but I managed to avoid the luxury biscuits served with the tea and coffee! I amaze myself sometimes!!!!!!!!!!! I wore the necklace I bought to reward myself on saturday, and every time I felt the desire to reach for a biscuit I rubbed my neckalce instead! How odd am I
Doll never doubt how strong you are the short time iv been on here you have inspired me you like me have a problem with addiction (food) and you are not hiding from it your facing it head on Iv always thought I was a freak not being able to control myself with food but im not its just a illness that we have and seeing you coping and doing it makes me think I can do it.
Better watch out for that cola never know where that will lead youmight even have myself a cheeky bottle tomorrow live on the wildside we do
good afternoon dusty
my name comes from my niece not being able to call me teresa and she always called me tweeza lol and its stuck with everyone now. No plucking cant stand the pain rather just one quick wax for my eyebrows![]()
I can relate to that girl eating to mask her pain whenever I feel low or upset food is (was) my crutch half the time I think I eat in a trance dont even taste what im eating dont think I even let myself feel hunger I kind of relate to it to a fix I needed all the time.God im a right sad sack but im sorting out that stuff now but I dont trust myself yet around food I think I still could buy a trolley full of food and eat it all. So this plan is what I need right now.
So what you been doing today has it been ok for you hope your doing well and when is your next weigh in day lovie cant wait for to see how well you have done
God im a right sad sack but im sorting out that stuff now but I dont trust myself yet around food I think I still could buy a trolley full of food and eat it all. So this plan is what I need right now.
Everything went well with hubby. They won't see him now for another 6 months!
I had the difficult meeting, and felt like a right cow. Even though i know its the right decision (and all the rest of the leadership team agree), the staff member looked like I'd kicked him hard in the stomach today and I felt so sorry for him. But, its done now and I'm trying not to let my feelings of guilt drive me into the fridge or toaster.
First time when I've felt like I could have a proper wobble! Why does food do this to us? Call us like an old friend who can take away our discomfort, when we know full well we'll only feel worse after?