OK i have really neglected posting lately
been really struggling lately, i came off plan last friday as i was going out on the saturday and didnt get back on plan untill yesterday
however the food choices i made over those days were good choices, and i didnt eat my self silly. Today i have carb withdrawal headaches and am feeling starving, which is weird because when i eat carbs i dont get the hunger feeling, when i dont normally eat until afternoons when im not on this diet:S
its my birthday in 16 days so am coming off plan again for that but plan to make sensible decisions again. then after that i have no more reasons to come off plan.
Over the last few days i have really started to notice how much weight i have lost!! looking at pictures of myself i hardly have any love handle now!! but still keeping a curvy figure which i am very happy about
my waist measurement has gone down from 119cm to 87 cm in just 8 weeks which i am very happy about
i now have the confidence to go out with my tummy showing with out feeling like everybody is staring at me in disgust
my hips have also gone from 130cm to 114cm making a huge difference. i can now wear clothes that haven't fitted me in a long time!!
All of my old clothes have now gone to my mum, she is on lighter life and has lost a similar amount of weight as i have
its so much easier doing this with somebody else
I must try posting on here more!!
still looking for a job
im so bored just sitting at home
thats making not eating even harder, i just want to boredom eat!! least i know this is one of my triggers :/
ringing up where i had my first job later on to see if they have any bar work going. its a bit of money until i find my self a better paying job. there is just hardly any jobs going out there at the minute!!