Do you have lush shops close to you? they do the most amazing bubble baths in the world ;P
I am well! I lost 3lb this week which brought me down to 15st13lb so bye bye number 16 on the scales lol
The snow has melted but like you there has been rain and bitterly cold so since monday I have been unable to ride my bike because of the ice, but I just ordered my new swimming costume and some new trainers so I will up the exercise!
Hubby has said that when I get to my target weight he will buy me (the flat) a new telly *flat screen* so boy am I getting down to it now lol!
I got my hair cut a week early as they had special offers lol but now I have a new mini goal.... a manicure so fingers crossed this time next month!
I am yet to order my new d/c hamper and I can't wait I think I will order it on sunday so I should get it tues/wednesday. I am looking forward to adding new food because I am getting bored with some of the things....I didn't order well last time!
did you get any shakes? did you get the cheese bites thingys?
Glad your feeling better and well done on your loss!
Has anyone had a bad day? I cheated last week (I had a mc donalds) but I stayed within my daily calorie intake...somehow but still off my 3.5 target loss per week! I also think I need to drink more water because I am starting to store water again

Big hugs all round ladies!
welcome back Shep