My Diet Chef Diary!

Day 5 in the Diet Chef House!

Ok folks! I am doing good. Hunger pangs not so bad, I can actually ignore them now!! And so far still impressed with the food! Have got myself a little routine, so its helping!

5am - get up!!, 6am - start work, Manage to drink 1.5 Litres of water between 5am & 8.30am!! Breakfast - 9am, Lunch - 12.30pm, Dinner - around 5pm and a Snack around 8pm! Go me!

Also cause of all the water I am drinking, my skin looks amazing!! So happy with that!

Ok enough rambling!

Today I had:

Original Granola
Semi Skimmed Milk

Banana Nakd Bar (so far this is my favourite one!)

Chicken Soup (looked rubbish but tasted great!)

Apple x 1
Banana x 1

Mushroom Stroganoff
Portion of veg

Later will have some natural yogurt!

Water: 2.5Litres! (have also moved my office into the toilet!)
Day 5 in the Diet Chef House!

Ok folks! I am doing good. Hunger pangs not so bad, I can actually ignore them now!! And so far still impressed with the food! Have got myself a little routine, so its helping!

5am - get up!!, 6am - start work, Manage to drink 1.5 Litres of water between 5am & 8.30am!! Breakfast - 9am, Lunch - 12.30pm, Dinner - around 5pm and a Snack around 8pm! Go me!

Also cause of all the water I am drinking, my skin looks amazing!! So happy with that!

Ok enough rambling!

Today I had:

Original Granola
Semi Skimmed Milk

Banana Nakd Bar (so far this is my favourite one!)

Chicken Soup (looked rubbish but tasted great!)

Apple x 1
Banana x 1

Mushroom Stroganoff
Portion of veg

Later will have some natural yogurt!

Water: 2.5Litres! (have also moved my office into the toilet!)

You are doing fantastic dare I ask have you stepped on the scales at all or are you being extra good.
I do stand on the scales far too often, but will wait till Sunday to let you all know, how I did! To be honest I would be gutted if it was less than 7 pounds! Being the first week, normally its quite a big loss, then it should even itself out! Although I would defo like to be in the 14stone something catergory! 15 Stone does not look good on me!

Plus, I have a picture I am using for motivation, of me at my skinnest and I showed some friends at work, and no one believed it was me!:(

How are you all today?


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I know me neither! I am really excited! Plus not so hungry anymore! So my stomach might already be shrinking! :)
Have changed my target weight from 9Stone 3Pounds to 10Stone 2Pounds!

Think this is more realistic and will be more maintainable!
Hey, you look great in that picture - not too thin and definitely not overweight - very healthy and glowing. It suits you. Would 11 stone put you in the healthy BMI range?
ok so Day 6!!

Original Granola
Semi Skimmed Milk

Three Bean & Chorizo Soup

Fruit & Spice Oat Biscuits


Pork Sausage Casserole
Small Salad - With lettuce, tomato, cucumber & red onion!

Water: 3 Litres!!!

How many kcals would you think in a large handful of salad?
Another posting about D/C! lol look at us spuring each other on! its great that a bunch of women who do not know each other can help each other with goals! so long as none of us give up and keep each other updated I'm sure we will all be successful in our goals!
I'm only in day 2 of D/C just finished one week of w8 and lost 5lbs on it! so I am hoping I have 3-5lbs weight loss this week as it will keep me on target of aug!
remember that chant at school..."I must I must, I must improve my bust" and there was a little arm movement?
well I am doing "I must I must, lose weight by august" lol not the same but I do a little exercise while microwaving my food.
Hope everyones day went well!
Jess hun you iz PRETTY innit? lol no seriously, you look great in the picture, really healthy. Don't fret overmuch about BMI, if you're comfortable and happy and in good health I wouldn't worry too much being a few pounds over the 'healthy range'. Glad you keep sounding so positive after getting over day-2-sickness!

Salad cals, is it not pre-packed stuff? I've got some leaves with beetroot stuff in the fridge which says it's 12cals per 50g - 80g is 1 portion of veg.

OOh Mrs (lol we're doing it again, thread-trottin') why August in particular for you? My birthday is the 17th then so that's always a 'I want to be in the X stone bracket by then this year' event for me lol
Miss LoChan, my Birthday is the 8th and I will be 23 this year, I have spent every important birthday feeling selfconscious, so I want to be the Collette I should be for my 23rd.
what is your milestone on the 17th? what is the xstone?
Oof I'm not sure lol It's going to be my 25th, which I think I'd decided I would be minute size by when I started dieting seriously in Nov 2006. Won't get there but I think if I try really hard 15st 8lb is doable - then I would have lost a round 10 stone :D
When you get rid of that 10stone that will be a massive acheviement and 15stone is around a size 16-18??? so you will look amazing!
I have 7 stone to chuck away by aug I am to shift 3.5 lb a week and then I will hit my target it is only 30 weeks away.
*sending you weight loss hugs*
Thank you hun! Hope we both make it or are happy with where we are if not lol I'm quite curious to see exactly what size I'll be, I think I must be a pear as I'm two sizes smaller on my top than the bottom half lol I'm about an 18 in t-shirts and strappy tops, I've got a gorgeous pink and black top in a 14 (I've never worn a 14!) from debenhams... I just have to have it so would be brill if that fit by then, if not there's next christmas lol

Btw the chorizo and three bean 'soup' was pretty good - it looked more like a chilli than soup though, really thick and they weren't lying about the beans lol abundance of them!
I had the chili con carne which was very rich but so tasty!
keep looking at that size 14 hun you will get there!
I'm off to bed now have a good 12 hour break before I eat anything!
nighty night!