My Diet Diary

Another 100% day under my belt yesterday!
Brekkie...banana, fromage frais and honey..... 1 SYN
A bit early for me but I wanted something more so I've had one of my HeB's already and had an Alpen bar. :whistle:
Ok finished other Alpen bar and had another syn with ketchup at lunch and half a stn with the yoghurt.
That's 2.5 Syns today so far.
Looking forward to my chilli tonight!!!
Ok syn free chilli for dinner. Used 7.5 syns on tortilla chips (yum).
Had meringue with fromage frais and syrup for dessert 5 syns.
That's all my syns today! First time I've done that since I started! Oh well it IS mothers day :D
New day...and I should really look up the Syns before I eat! Had smoked peppered haddock for brekkie and that was 3.5 syns. Oh well it was yummy and good job I only ate one :-O
HeA milk
HeB bread
Syns....special k chocolate k bar 4
Total syns today so far 7.5 :sigh:
Ahhhhh forgot I had low-fat mayo at 1.5 syns...
So that's 9 syns today! Have to be careful on my syns with my cup of tea tonight now :'(
Ok I KNOW I'll be having that WW micro meal tonight with veg. So that's 4.5 syns I've got to think of straight away.
Hmmm shall I have a green day and have double healthy extras?
Ok..yeah Green day.
HeA milk
HeB cheese
HeB bread
HeB ??????

Syns dinner later 4.5
Might have a bowl of cereal to get rid of the munchies later and use up that HeB :cool:
2nd HeB. More bread.

Syns. 4.5 dinner
1. Honey
3 butter

Do I need anything else? Use up more Syns?
Couldn't resist the skinny cow ice-cream! Yum!

very light mayo 1.5

HeA milk
HeB Alpen bars

Syns honey 1
meringue 3

Keeping it all tracked down is certainly helping me :character00148: Haven't cheated once on this 2nd week yet! That's 2 weeks 100%! Not done so well on a diet for ages! :wee:
Syns butter 2
Syns crisps 2.5

HeA milk
HeB Alpen bars
Syn mayo 2
Red day

Syns.....butter 2
golden syrup 2

Syns....extra light mayo...1

EE can't decide what to have for my HeB :confused:
HeA. Milk
HeB. Bran

Syns. 2.5 pâté
Bread. 4
HeB...Alpen bars

Syns....half a hot cross bun/butter 7 :sign0007: