So yesterday was my birthday and I had a lovely day and stayed strong while everyone around me had lindt chocolates, sweets and alcohol I am proud to say I had none of those things and stuck to the plan my only little treat to myself was one squirt of tomato sauce to dip my oat bran chicken nuggets into
Day 42 PV ( Birthday ) :
B: bacon medallions (don't usually have these but it was a bithday treat), scrambled eggs, mushroom
L: Oat bran chicken nuggets, BNS wedges
D: Steak, Oat bran chicken nuggets, green beans
Drinks: 2L water, 3 black coffee, 1 diet coke
Excercise: laughing my head off with my friends and running around after my niece and nephew if those count haa.......
Also when I walked out of the room yesterday to go and fetch something my nephew whispered to my sister how he couldn't believe how much weight I had lost so then she told him to tell me I found it really emotional as it's lovely to hear it from friends and colleagues but to hear from my nephew was just so sweet