My Exante Diary

Well done on your loss Shoebedoo! I've lost another 7lbs! We are awesome!! :-D
Well done Saddlebag Dats fantastic!!! Exante certainly works!!! Just had a porridge Had half a Tesco bar 4 bfast and d other 4 lunch!! Will have a hot CHoc l8r Bitter cold today Dance class has been cancelled Delighted as fancy stayin in doors as ders a storm brewin and TIs very blustery!!!
How r tricks with u? Did himself make contact or is he gone?

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Wow, well done. Fab loss! :D :hug99: xx
Thanks ladies! Still not feeling any difference in my clothes, not sure what's going on there!! It's been cold here today and quite rainy so I'm glad to be home and warm.
He did indeed make contact but no apology and haven't heard from him today, oh well!
Ah I'm sorry to hear dat!!
After readin other peoples diaries I'm Definately not drinking half as much as dem! Prob I litre Coke Zero, one mug decaf coffee, one large mug of Bouillon and I litre of water
Ru better at drinking d water??? So hard to drink it when it's cold!!

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It's ok I'm not too fussed :D
I'm definitely not drinking the amounts of water that Exante suggest. But I'm just not that thirsty a person. I drink when I'm thirsty and I don't really see the point in drinking anymore than that. I drink a lot of tea, coffee, bouillon, coke zero and some water, so I probably get a decent amount but nowhere near 4 litres.
I cudnt glug down a litre of water either!! Exercise Helps!! Bet Ul notice a big difference in Ur clothes this wk! Fair play stickin with it!!
Here's to another TS wk

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Tummy feels bloated dis evenin and tender!! Blamin d wheat in d bars How ru feelin? Do u eat bars at all?

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Just remembered Uve a meal to look forward to on Fri Lucky u I'll b dyin to hear how u find it
I'm Lookin forward to going to a Chinese buffet to celebrate our sons ninth bday on d 20th May Gotta make titanic cake for him so took d easier option 4 his Communion and ordered cake and bun toppers that I'll place ontop of d icing Lots of allergies so will bake with gluten, wheat and dairy free ingredients dat should suit everyone!!!
Hubby brought him to a 7th son of a 7 th son... Said nerve trapped in back and he got a crack out of it.... Said he'd feel bad for a few days Fingers crossed his headaches will disappear Dat wud b brill
Gettin off work early tomoro 1.30 as he has app re finger Tis all go
Hope Ur winnin Nitey nite

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I'm hoping I'll see a difference in my clothes this week although as soon as these get loose I'll have to spend more money to get new ones... Thank goodness for peacocks and primark...
Sorry to hear about your tummy, hope it clears soon. I eat the Exante toffee nut and raisin bars as I like the flavour and texture, and they really fill me up.
I cannot wait until Friday for my meal!! Although, I don't think I'll be able to eat much- my stomach has shrunk so much I struggle to finish my soup now! Have left a bit for the last few days, I really must force myself or I won't get my vits. You must be so excited about your son's birthday and communion, those are the days to treat yourself and enjoy it without feeling guilt! It's good that you can source the ingredients to do fab recipes that everyone can eat. I hope the little one isn't too sore after his visit with the 7th son- fingers crossed his headaches go. And that his finger is all fixed!
Night night :)
Hey Saddlebag
How's tricks? Well hospital app went well Finger is healin but needs strapping 4 another 2 wks
No improvement in headaches yet but may take a few days
Well I had 2 Ultraslim bars and a porridge today Also had a 1/4 of a vanilla shake which I sprinkled into two mugs of decaf coffee Twas scrum Had a dizzy spell at work today Does dat happen to u???

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Hiya shoebs, hopefully the headaches will improve after a few days. Fingers crossed!
I had banana shake, toffee nut bar and veg soup. I have had dizzy spells when I'm really hungry, I usually have my next bar or soup and that sorts it.
Hey Saddlebag Ur doin super! I think Im not satisfied with d Ultraslim bars as der Definately not as filling as d Toffee ones! Fell off d wagon as was tired and probably thirsty..... And scoffed 3 Ultraslim bars..... SO naughty and glutinous of me! I did a workout after d spike of sugar took hold but my oh my did I soon flander and eventually conked it on d couch.... Didn't make it to bed!!!! Oh well... Tomoro a new day!!! I wont allow myself any bars as punishment!!! Another hurdle to climb over... Hope I've learnt from it!! Ta for Ur gud wishes!!! Ru all set 4 tonite??? NJoy!!!!

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Shoebedoo don't worry about your little slip! I'm sure there was no harm done, I bet you worked it off.
The party last night was good, it was fancy dress and there were some brilliant costumes- we had a group dressed up as scooby doo, dog the bounty hunter and Beth, Spartacus and Helen of Troy, and loads of other ones! I was a cowgirl. Got some nice comments about having lost weight although I'm sure they were just saying it because they know I'm on a diet! The curry was buffet style, there were loads of naans, bhajis, rice, popadoms and samosas. Then there was a chicken curry, lamb curry and vegetable curry. I had a bit of each curry and stayed clear of the naans etc. I shouldn't have really had the vegetable curry, as it was mostly chickpeas which are high carb but I think they're fairly low calorie. By the time I realised it was chickpeas I was eating it, and being watched by my colleagues who knew how excited I was about it! I had a small plate of food in total, was completely stuffed and it made me feel dead tired. I did lots of dancing and drank loads of water (no booze, well done me!). Got on the scales this morning to assess the damage... I've lost another 2lbs!!
Well done Saddlebag Delighted u had a super nite out, well done keepin it low carb ( chick peas r high in protein) Glad u got nice complements 2 - u deserved dem as Ur doin incredible!!! Fair play being down Dats brilliant !!! Had a nice day out at d shops with a friend- left a/c in my diary Let me know what u think of d dress
Nitey nite

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Just seen dress shoebs, it's lovely! Bet you can't wait for communion day, how exciting!
Had the boy over this weekend, he bought me a little prezzie, a pink leather cover for my iPad which is nice. It was really hard feeding him and not cheating, but stayed strong and stuck to plan. I have so much respect for those who are cooking for their OHs every day!
Ah Im delighted About time he saw sense Gud he brought a pressie I'm impressed!!!
Was very bold dis evenin Ate lots of crap when I had d hse to myself Belly achin now Definately not worth this discomfort
Not goin to dwell on it Clean slate again tomoro Not Lookin 4ward to WI I'll have to up exercise and water and stick to 3 packs each day At least work will distract me

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I just buckled and ate not one but TWO salmon fillets. I feel really bad for it now. Tut. I miss food! Don't think I'll have much of a loss this week so not really looking forward to WI!
What r we like.. 2 full days stickin to it might do d trick!!! I certainly won't b hopping on d scales til Wed morn Just hope I won't b sick tonite Hope d nite crawls H8 Sunday nites Roll on Fri Awful Wishin d wk away but d thought of work sucks!! Got to remember Im fortunate to have a job and to earn a living but ders times I'd luv 2 b a housewife!! Sorry 4 moan... Luv work when I get der... Nitey nite

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