Yeah your right.. Could of been a lot worse the mood I was in woke up in the night and felt very hungry but don't feel so bad this morning... Here's to a good day
Morning! Have a good one. Keep busy and have lots of water. This diet gets easier the longer you stick with it. You are doing really well so far, brilliant in fact! It is all worth it when you see the lbs adding up and feel so much better in yourself. Catch you later x
Thankyou Mandy and ED, I tried to go shopping to look for inspiration for valentines gifts for oh... But food nearly got the better of me... Took so much will power to turn around and get into my car and drive straight home (not to McDonald's!) but I did it.. Feel very hungry still so I decided to have some coke zero and get into bed to shift my headache and hunger... So me 1, McDonald's 0!!!! Woop woop lol.. I'll feel good for it later..
I also couldn't resist the scales again this morning, I must try to kick this habit lol.. But another 2lb down
It will be worth it in the end.. Just wish my hunger would go soon.. And these headaches ...
Day for already feeling a lot more positive today... Finished work and didn't even snack when everyone else was.. Although it was quite torturing feeding someone but I soon got over it.. Had my second pack and am now waiting for LO to finish school.. apart from being full of cold, I'm feeling very positive I can do this xx
Thanku the support on here is brilliant nearly caved again but didn't and I'm very proud saving lots Of money too will have to start a new wardrobe fund for when I reach goal xx
Day 5, and I wouldn't say I'm feel amazing but I think I feel better than I have done I was 100% yesterday and am glad .. Weight loss is slowing down now.. 1lb today.. I think after this week I'm going to try and weigh weekly or half weekly 8lb so far is amazing though here's to another 100% day
Thank you... Just finished work and didn't give in to the Friday night takeaway they always have another brilliant day.. Hunger has nearly gone I think xx