Well last night was fun!!! Had a totally amazing evening, feel sooooo lucky to have been given the ticket by a friend. Was very good food-wise... ate a bar on the tube on my way out so I would feel less tempted when everyone else was tucking in... but must admit it was very hard to resist temptation. I'm not normally one for fast food, but my sense of smell seems to be so heightened right now, I thought I would crack when my friends where tucking into chicken and chips, but managed to stop myself. I did get through 3 vodka and slimline tonics though - apparently 200 calories in total, so not too bad.
The after-party was full of free food - ice creams, candy floss, pies and graze snack boxes. So didn't hang around too long as it was like torture having all that offered at every corner. But when I got home I saw my husband had ordered pizza rather than cooking, and the leftovers where in the fridge. I went straight to bed, but must have been up half the night with a rumbling tum - I haven't really felt hungry the past few days until last night and wow, I felt hungry. Think it's a combination of the vodkas and also being tired from going out quite a bit this week, so am currently trying to perk myself up with a black coffee in the hope that the hunger subsides at some point today. I'm feeling very determined that I'm not going to cheat though and already dreaming about the bar I have in my bag for lunch... let's hope I can leave it untouched until at least midday!
Sorry, that reads like I'm totally obsessed with food. In a way, I feel like I am at the moment. You really want it more when you can't have it! But however strong my cravings are, I must remember why I'm doing this and to stay focused and determined on the end goals.