Total Solution My Exante journey..

Ooo well done on the loss and have fun tonight!!! :)
Wow so jealous of your ticket. Have fun and we'll done on the loss.
Well last night was fun!!! Had a totally amazing evening, feel sooooo lucky to have been given the ticket by a friend. Was very good food-wise... ate a bar on the tube on my way out so I would feel less tempted when everyone else was tucking in... but must admit it was very hard to resist temptation. I'm not normally one for fast food, but my sense of smell seems to be so heightened right now, I thought I would crack when my friends where tucking into chicken and chips, but managed to stop myself. I did get through 3 vodka and slimline tonics though - apparently 200 calories in total, so not too bad.

The after-party was full of free food - ice creams, candy floss, pies and graze snack boxes. So didn't hang around too long as it was like torture having all that offered at every corner. But when I got home I saw my husband had ordered pizza rather than cooking, and the leftovers where in the fridge. I went straight to bed, but must have been up half the night with a rumbling tum - I haven't really felt hungry the past few days until last night and wow, I felt hungry. Think it's a combination of the vodkas and also being tired from going out quite a bit this week, so am currently trying to perk myself up with a black coffee in the hope that the hunger subsides at some point today. I'm feeling very determined that I'm not going to cheat though and already dreaming about the bar I have in my bag for lunch... let's hope I can leave it untouched until at least midday!

Sorry, that reads like I'm totally obsessed with food. In a way, I feel like I am at the moment. You really want it more when you can't have it! But however strong my cravings are, I must remember why I'm doing this and to stay focused and determined on the end goals.
Great loss, well done :)

The BRITS, wow :D

Tell me about the heightened sense of smell - I can smell food, especially take away food - a mile off!
Fantasic! You did so well you must be very proud!! It just proves not all good experiences have to include food :)
Wow, you're doing so well! You should be proud of yourself for last night!

What was it like to be there? Did you meet any celebrities?

Our seats were right by the stage, just above where they keep the awards before giving them out. So saw everyone really up close! It was really funny - as the presenters went to collect the awards to take to the stage they open the envelopes to see who's won... so we knew before it was officially announced! Sadly no celebs at afterparty... i think they all go somewhere else. Or perhaps they're all partied out and go straight home :)
Ok so managed to stick to plan yesterday, barring a slice of cheese. I felt so guilty for eating it, but hey, it's a slice of cheese. One slice. Before, I would have followed that with another slice, and then another, and then maybe a couple of crackers to go with the fourth and fifth slices...!!! I was feeling so hungry and grouchy and it actually just gave me that lift I needed.

Had the spaghetti bolognese last night - do these meals remind anyone else of baby food pouches? But they are quite yummy. I am putting chilli flakes on everything though to counteract some of the sweetness. At the same time I made turkey burgers for the family... they smelt soo good. But actually very low in calories (without the bun of course) so looking forward to tucking into one when I have my food week in a couple of weeks time.

Made the blueberry and raspberry pancakes this morning - Despite the synthetic fruit taste they were quite good, and one pack seems to make two rather large pancakes! I might keep my remaining pack of this mix for when I really need a pick me up in the morning.

Hope you all have a good day x
I love the pancakes as they are more like the real thing than other meals. I'm eating the maple syrup ones. I have them for a Saturday breakfast treat :)
Good morning everyone, I hope you all had lovely weekends! We had the in-laws over which was made all the better for my MIL saying she thought I'd lost weight! It's so encouraging to hear having only been doing this less than 2 weeks, so made me really happy. I managed to avoid lunch out with them by telling them I needed to stay at home and spring clean (which I did - 8 bin bags to the tip, and 8 to charity - amazing how much stuff just accumulates! And that's before I've gone through my clothes yet!)

Couldn't avoid lunch out on Sunday though, but ordered grilled chicken and salad. I must be totally in the zone now though, as wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be... oddly enough, I'm more looking forward to my jam and yoghurt crunch bar for lunch today..

2 more days to weigh in this week. Going to stay 100% on plan until then :) Not sure I'm going to have time to get to the gym this week though as am on a proper mission to spring clean the house. We have our current au pair leaving on Sunday AND the new one arriving the same day, so I have plenty to sort out in the meantime. But I'm sure all this heavy cleaning burns some calories instead!
Isn't it great when someone notices your weight loss :)

You must be in the Exante zone - what is it about this diet and spring cleaning :D 8 bags ditched and 8 bags to charity!
Morning ladies, hope you're all feeling bright today!

Managed to stick 100% to TS yesterday, feeling very proud. Just one more day until weigh in... usually I DREAD facing the scales but oddly looking forward to it - I hope they are kind to me this week.

My au pair has the day off today so I'm leaving work early to pick up my son from nursery and spend the afternoon with him - really looking forward to it, as I rarely get to do that these days. And he's a little bundle of energy so no doubt will burn some calories in the process :)

Have a good day x
Well done on the 100% TS yesterday - hope you have another good day today.

Enjoy the afternoon with your son :)
Morning everyone!

So scales this morning showed a 6 pound loss for the week - woo hoo! VERY happy with that :wee: