My fairy......The big fat liar!

erm I found this

Size 20g
Number of Servings
Serving Size 1 sweet
Carbs/Serving 0g
Protein/Serving 0g
What, SF polos?
I looked a the info on the 10s of packets I had. Strange! ;)
Hi all. Well i woke up after my horrible night duty. Didnt manage to eat anything til 1am as really busy. Anyway, it would appear i wasnt drinking enough. I upped my fluids last night and wwwwwaaaaaaa hhhhhhooooooooo, i lost a whole lb over night. Its coming off again:bliss:.
Jim could i have come out of ketosis despite my sticks turning the darkest shade of purple or do you think my body has finally caught up. Either way im soooooooooo happy today.
Ok Jim, I just got out the screwed up 1/2 packet &, sorry, the 'carbs' are polylols. I've tried to look on wikipedia to find out about them, but it was a bit scientific, lol.
Why doesn't our body react to these synthetic carbs then??
Ooooh, I threw them all away, gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Well done Cheryl x
You may find your body does react to the polyols Sharon and not in a nice one, unless you enjoy the runs that is. ;)

Could be Cheryl, but we all have stalls love, well done for sticking with it.
Im not sticking with it Jim, its a new way of life now. I will not be beaten, it will work and i will work even harder to make sure it does. Ive never felt so good.
Im not sticking with it Jim, its a new way of life now. I will not be beaten, it will work and i will work even harder to make sure it does. Ive never felt so good.

Im not sticking with it Jim, its a new way of life now
my sentiments exactly. ok when i get to target i might treat myself now and again to a pizza but then back on strict induction :D
erm, but that was supposed to be praise Cheryl
Thanks. I know it was Jim just me going off on one again. It is a new way of live for me now though. I dont miss anything especially now ive found oopsies to make my own pizzas and mims, sweet with a cream frosting. Who needs cakes. I know i will probably stray while on holiday but thats 2wks out of the year and i can get straight back to it again after.
LOL, that's a good attitude there love.
Nor me really Cheryl.
Me too. One things for sure i really dont miss the cravings or eating a biscuit just because....
Wow Jim what a great link. Thanks. It really makes sense and its common knowledge when we really stop to think about it.