My Final Focused Slog to the Finish...Weight :P

lol Tara that quote so true!!

Clinquant It is so much easier the 2nd time around and I know just how much damage can occur from the tiniest cheats it's just not worth it at all! Like Tara said everytime you do something you are reinforcing the habit.

I want to do this 100% this time and stick to it for the full 28 days! Im seeing it just like that in 28 day increments.

On day 4! Woke up refreshed and energised and started to give the house a good clean! Not had my breakfast pack but will be just before I carry on with my thesis for uni. Need to start knuckling down again done some uni work over this weekend but not enough.

I'm in a better headspace now to really focus.

Hope your Sundays are going well! xx

p.s I had the mint choc shake last night and the packet and shake smelt delightful!

Unfortunately the actual drink tasted really artificial so I kept sniffing the packet for the duration of the evening like some drug addict!

Ahhhh maybe that's why I felt so pumped this morning!! :character00115:
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Lol at the sniffing the pack!! U crack me up :))

Snds like we've had a similar start to the day :)

Takin it in 28 day increments snds fab... u got this bad boy...
I can't believe it's Day 4 gone already! The days are flying by!.. haha Clinquant! Iv'e been trying to avoid smelling any food at the moment been hiding away until today got a woff of a bbq when I was out earlier and today bf decided to have fried egg on toast! hangover* Although I was surprised I didn't care so much!

It's been a really weird day been feeling a range of emotions and at the moment I feel a tickly throat coming on :cry:

My arms have felt extra weak today and I'm hoping it's just tiredness.

Earlier I had a 20 min brisk session on the exercise bike at the gym and when I say brisk I mean super slow I wasn't meant to be there but arrangements with a friend went a bit wrong and to stop myself from looking like an idiot decided to sit on the bike!

To cut a long story short sitting on the bike riding at that speed I looked like a tit!

Anyway I was fine until I got back felt a little on the ill side this evening. I don't think it's related as I didn't have much sleep last night.

Today I have found iv'e felt more hungry then the other days it was this afternoon before I headed out, but nothing I couldn't handle. I still have a pack left tonight which Im struggling to get of my chair to go an make!

Going to have to get to bed soon and hope I feel much better in the morning.

I can't believe it's Day 4 gone already! The days are flying by!.. haha Clinquant! Iv'e been trying to avoid smelling any food at the moment been hiding away until today got a woff of a bbq when I was out earlier and today bf decided to have fried egg on toast! hangover* Although I was surprised I didn't care so much!

It's been a really weird day been feeling a range of emotions and at the moment I feel a tickly throat coming on :cry:

My arms have felt extra weak today and I'm hoping it's just tiredness.

Earlier I had a 20 min brisk session on the exercise bike at the gym and when I say brisk I mean super slow I wasn't meant to2 be there but arrangements with a friend went a bit wrong and to stop myself from looking like an idiot decided to sit on the bike!

To cut a long story short sitting on the bike riding at that speed I looked like a tit!

Anyway I was fine until I got back felt a little on the ill side this evening. I don't think it's related as I didn't have much sleep last night.

Today I have found iv'e felt more hungry then the other days it was this afternoon before I headed out, but nothing I couldn't handle. I still have a pack left tonight which Im struggling to get of my chair to go an make!

Going to have to get to bed soon and hope I feel much better in the morning.


Morning you !

Woohooo day 5 for u today! It is mental how fast time flies :)

Thats great that u didnt really care that much re ur boyf food... n omygosh yday was bbq central! Smelt it on my way to work coming from work n whilst at work my collegues gf brought some in for him lol like u tho it really didnt bother me :))

Hope ur not catchin a cold hunn... n fingers crossed the tiredness goes once ur fully in ketosis maybe it will go... ive noticed that with me too...

Lololol at the gym comment... tit made me grin, havent heard that in agessssss.... good that u did a lil exercise whilst there tho. Go you!

Have a good day hunni bunch xx
I know the days are flying by it feels a little unreal at the moment. Day 5 seemed to have sprung up from no where! I almost feel like im muddled up my days and is counting wrong. The last week has felt like a bit of a dream.

But I have had a lot to occupy my days so I'm super busy with other things I need to be getting on with so that's partially why im not focusing.

Today was a bit tough earlier Iv'e been feeling the symptoms of a cold coming on and it's left my mood lowered so iv'e felt quite tired all day and just really un motivated.

Found myself thinking I need carbs to perk my mood up! That's generally how it goes I use carbs for that quick energised burst despite not feeling hungry!

Eventually I decided to take a nap which I found myself having really strange dreams.

After my nap I was still feeling the symptoms of a cold and started feeling nauseous. I decided to have my pack and have started to feel a little better.

Off to sit out in the sun at the park now hoping I get better :(
Fingers crossed you feel better sweetness.

Does anything else perk ur mood up n get ur energy flowing?

Happy music n dancing rnd like a mad woman does it for me... only thing is u gotta push to do it when ur feelin low it doesnt come to u as something to do... eating has always been my "fix" too!

I gotta take this advice myself actually! Might do it now.... im feelin really tired n low energy.

Pharrell williams happy here i come!
Hey Tara, That is usually my go to or how I usually start the day but it hasn't worked today. I think this is more of a chemical imbalance and not psychological thing as I suffer from some medical problems and mood swings are part of it only iv'e noticed they have been a bit more obvious this year, where I will have really positive high days and then for no reason il have low days where I have no desire to do anything or at least with passion anyway. Which is why I decided to go back to vlcd as this all started because I allowed myself to get so big!. I think it's just low blood sugar I had my shake earlier today as I was really craving something sweet earlier and I don't have a sweet tooth at all!! So I figured the low blood sugar was the case.

My moods lifted a bit now as well. Off to make the last pack and then look to getting a early night! (something else I haven't done the last few days)
Hey Sadia,

O ok i have a medical condition too which causes chemical imbalances so highs n lows in moods.... more similarities each day with us huh!

Glad to hear ur feelin a bit better. Hope a good nights sleep sorts it n ur on a nice even keel tomorrow.

Im aiming for feeling balanced mostly rather than a proper high or low day... tho i do loooooove the highs i need to stay grounded. Nice n peaceful.

Ive almost hit 50 posts so will able to pm ya soon :))

Muchos muchos love

Hey honey, youve been quiet... missing you!

How are you doing shuga?

Hope the uni qork is coming along and your being nice to you!

So had a crappy start to this week! Monday was just a downer day and it was just down hill from there. Ended up going over to see family on Tuesday after feeling regret for not seeing them since xmas (we don't live that far from each other) So made an effort to spend time with them which I allowed myself to come off plan really easily.

So the last few days altho I haven't gone mental on food have been off plan.

Iv'e just been in a weird place lately and have to keep reminding myself what I am doing which has taken some used to.

I just need to commit to a day which is proving to be hard!

Been feeling a little better this weelend mainly because the tour de France being in my area has guilt me into needing to exercise lol.

They are currently on their way down to Huddersfield and I keep saying I should go into town to see all the fabulous events going on but I'm finding myself sat in front of the box watching it with my oatmeal LOL

Hey babe... Soz to hear I've had a poopie week but also glad to hear u didn't go mad on the food....

You can't force starting this thing you'll just be fighting yourself through the whole journey..... Have you tried writing to yourself.... Like your two people... Sounds strange but it works for me... I ask myself questions then I answer myself.... Lol I know its so weird but it has helped me a lot.

I think its just important to think about why you want to loose weight this way... And how this will actually be you being good to yourself.

Nice to hear from u jelly bean


N don't be harsh on u for deciding to eat or whatever.... Its OK. Whatever u decide to do is OK. Make every choice u make a fresh one n don't base it on 5 mins ago or whenever.. Make it for u in that moment and don't worry about having to do it for x amount of time... When I think 6months.... Daunting!! And I think I can't do it... But its so crap to think like that.... Living in the now :)

Mmmmmmwah n huggggs!

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Thanks girls!

Clinquant staying in and getting on with it is what I planned on doing my social life each year has been rubbish with studies and when I do get a chance to go out I just don't bother because I feel so bad. Iv'e even become a recluse to family.

The initial plan was to spend the month away getting on with it but that week just felt I needed to see family after months not seeing them. What I realised after is I should have gone to see them then started the plan because I would have felt satisfied.

What's done is done anyway, just been getting on with what I need to do this last week trying to get back into that motivation zone.

I think I just have a lot of things going on in my life im not really sure where im going at the moment the plan was to take a few years out from life and really get my health in order as I have felt for many years this is something I should have done yeaars ago and then go to uni etc.

It's just been hard as it feels like everyone is getting on with their dreams whilst I put mine on halt I know it's silly as I know doing this for myself would change my entire future and I'll be so much more happier then the way I've done it now where I feel so unhappy just cruising through my plans just in some weird subconscious way.

Really hope Im back on it this week! :)) xx
Day 1- Taking the plunge today, feeling fab this morning got lots of inspiration and mentally motivated again. This is it no more going off plan it doesn't work! 3rd time lucky ey!

Having my oatmeal and watching some dual dynamics for thinspiration as well as reading through everyone's diaries for a catch up. It's good to be back on the forum again just need to make it a habit of coming on here when things get tough!.

Hope ya'll having a good day.

Love sadia

Whooooop whoooop so excited for u shuga... Yes come on when the going gets tough that's when its most IMPT :) we all got each others back :))

Glad dual dynamics is doing it for u too. Love love love Lawrence B his team n the awesome peeps that have done it with him.

Never never never give up even if we mess up we gotta keep going. We Can do this if we believe we can :)

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