Sorry to hear you've been finding it hard. I've been going through that a bit this week. I've managed not to give in so far but I just really want to eat everything around me!

Not really sure how to combat it. I've used things like options (2 syns) and other low-syn treats when I get cravings. Maybe you could write down the different things that trigger you to go off plan, and then try to come up with some strategies to avoid eating the wrong things at those times?
I know what you meant about it being hard when other people around you are eating whatever you want. The great thing about SW though is that you can still eat plenty if you eat the right things, so it shouldn't feel like you are dieting. You don't seem to have had a lot for breakfast/lunch. Are you eating enough? E.g., I just tried the mushy pea curry today & it was yum. Definitely didn't feel like I was eating diet food, yet it had no syns (I'm doing EE). If you look up petes recipes, there are tons of lovely recipes in there - mixing it up makes it feel like you're not sticking to a diet! You should use up your syns too so you don't feel like you're dieting & end up packing it in.
Just put that week behind you anyway and just focus on getting back on track - that's usually the trickiest bit so you've made the right first step!

Good luck x