kool thats a good idea
ahh thats great

...... unfortunitly that also means you get all the wedding stress to look forward to too
i will be so glad on sunday when this is all over !!

.... i thought it was only meant to be the bride that got stressed out over the wedding ! ....... i had the dentist on monday and even he asked if i was stressed out a lot at the moment ! ....... and he didn't know about the wedding !! lol ... not sure how you can see if i'd been stressed by looking at my teeth, maybe i've been grinding them in my sleep ! .... or from the amount of biting my tongue i've been doing lately! lol

also another friend has just asked to make 2 cakes and some white chocolate truffles for a meeting at the school next week

.... i've been avoiding doing baking at home as i have a tendency to eat what i make ... including tasting the cake mix, icing, ect to check it tastes right as i go along ........ i think this is going to be a challenge !