My food diary

Good morning!

Last night I remembered my mum had sent me saag so I had some of that. Did my aerobics dvd-I ache so much today, my legs more than anything-it's doing all those squats that turn into star jumps!

I am on my second cup of tea already-I generally try to keep to one but two is my absolute maximum so no more after this cup! I will be going to get my sushi today-i'm not working through lunch two days in a row! Normally I take the car to the supermarket (there aren't any other places near where I work that I can get sushi from) but I think today i'll walk-the sun is shining :) It should take me about 15mins. That's a half hour brisk walk-let's hope my legs can take it!

As I didn't make the dinner I wanted yesterday I think I will today. I do really want the duck-I love duck and haven't had it since New Years when I cooked it for dinner! But then lamb when cooked right is just so beautiful as well!

The low gi diet is great! I have a great variety of food.

I also had a really strange dream last night. It was Scrubs (the tv show), it was just like an episode of it. I wasn't in the episode and I wasn't watching the tv in my dream but my dream was an actual episode of Scrubs-how random. I'd like to watch the next episode of Desperate Housewives so am hoping that comes on in my brain tonight lol :D xxx

Ok so I didn't have the dinner I wanted again! But only because I didn't have time to get to the supermarket. Instead I had a wholemeal roll, which I split in two and toasted, I then put some light philadelphia on it. Had a sneaky mid week peak at my weight this morning as well and i'm another pound down! I won't be updating my stats until Sunday though, just in case! Coming off the pill was the best thing I ever did!

Just having a nice cup of tea, will be going across the road to the newsagents to pick up a big bottle of water as well. I am aiming to drink at least one of the 1.5l bottles a day :) xxx
So for lunch I had spag bol-you know the one that comes out of the tin-bleurgh! It wasn't very nice but once again there was too much to do at work for me to stop and go out and get something else-this was in the shop across the road.

I do feel quite sick now actually :( Not sure I even want dinner, I don't even like thinking about it. One thing I do know-i'll be making some veg soup tonight for lunch tomorrow and on Friday-no more eating things out of a tin! Except maybe tuna-I like tuna!
Good morning everyone!

It's so beautiful outside, I am again wearing a lovely flowery dress :D I do hope the sunshine continues!

Yesterday I still felt sick after that spag bol so had a piece of toast for dinner. Unfortunately I didn't drink as much water as I should have but i'm getting there! I am so very tired this morning though-I felt quite teary yesterday, I miss my ex-a lot. And just thinking about him makes me cry at the moment. I even slept with his jumper next to me! Anyway I went home at 5pm and as soon as I got through my front door that was it. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I lay in my bed and just cried, eventually I drifted asleep. I then woke up and around 10pm, remembered why I had fallen asleep so early and started crying again-I turned into a proper girl yesterday :( Then I couldn't get back to sleep. So no more crying and no more falling asleep early in the evening, it's not doing me any good. From today onwards I am going to be happy! I may even go on that date that this guy has been asking me about.

Right this is meant to be my food diary. This morning I have just finished my cup of tea. I really want some grapes but can't go out now so will have to wait until lunchtime!
Hello to those who are still reading this :)

I ate steak for dinner-it's the only meat I actually really like now-well that and lamb shanks. It tasted so good! I normally have it well done but went for medium rare this time (I cooked it) and it tasted fantastic! Never again will I be eating a well done steak! I had 3 new boiled new potatoes with it-yum! Oh and a glass of wine-but I figured I deserved that!

Tea again this morning, not sure of lunch yet but dinner will be lamb shank with something or other :)

I still feel crap but I made a few first steps and deleted his number, deleted any emails he had sent and took him off my facebook. I also put all of things into a box ready to give back to him-that's progress right? It's weird, he is the first guy I actually planned my life out with. The first guy that I talked about having kids with, where we would live, how our lives would be. The first person I actually imagined having a future with. I'm still left wondering how I got it all so wrong.
Good morning!

I am exhausted! I went out on Thursday and Friday night. Woke up at some ungodly hour (I think it was about 5pm) so my whole routine is out of sync. I slept at 4am and got up at 7 to get ready for work! My eyes are closing as I type.

I think I lived off toast over the weekend-food wasn't really something I wanted to look at after all that drinking! Although I did have an omlette last night. I am starving now though! I'm sat at work looking at the clock-it seems to be going a lot slower than I want it to.

I fit into a size 10 tshirt today! I was so amazed-it is stretchy so that has something to do with it I guess.

Also I got hit on twice over the weekend-something that hasn't happened to me in a very long time-I was wearing no make up both times as well.

Over the weekend I drank lots and lots of water-plus maybe a few other things as well but we won't go into that today! This morning I have had a cup of tea. I will be having a second in the hope that it might keep me awake a little longer.

The sun is shining and I plan on going for a walk to get my lunch this afternoon-not sure what it will be though. I really fancy a subway, I think i'll get one of those big salad bowl things from there for lunch today xxx

Oooooo I had roasted rack of lamb with salad yesterday for my dinner and it was gorgeous! I put this layer of dijon mustard, rosemary, thyme, a crushed clove of garlic and some salt on top-it was nice! Not sure of the calories in it to be honest but I had it with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge salad.

Looking forward to gymming today-the nicer it is outside the more exercise I want to do-I'm even going to try sleeping about an hour earlier than normal and getting up an hour earlier the next day to do some exercise and actually eat some breakfast.

Today I came to work prepared! I am just finishing my cup of tea (44 cals), got some turkey and a wholemeal roll with some salad in for my lunch. Dinner will be a baked potato with a spoon of cottage cheese and a salad again. Oh I love summer! xx

Last night I had spag bol for dinner-with gluten/wheat free spaghetti. It was lovely-I have leftovers to eat for lunch today at work.

I had a digestive biscuit this morning-normally i'm not hungry in the morning but for the past two days i've been starving in the morning. When I say starving I mean it's to the point where my stomach actually hurts. I feel quite light headed and very tired as well-I even had an early night last night!

I have no idea what's wrong with me. I'm not unwell-I don't feel unwell, I just don't know what's going on :S
I tried to eat the spag bol this afternoon-opened the container and the smell made me want to be sick. Instead I had a wheat free pitta-but I couldn't finish that. I am now eating toffee poppets and drinking water.

I seem to be managing that ok. I'm having a shower and then jumping straight into bed after I finish work today :(

Ok a little while after my last entry I got really hungry so when I went home I made a lamb burger, put it in a wholemeal bap with some salad.

I woke up this morning once again feeling starving. But at least I don't feel sick anymore, still feel tired though.

Had some tea this morning.

My parents are having a picnic/bbq over the bank holiday weekend so I said I would help with the cooking-at least that way I can control some of what is made- I plan to make lots of salads and stuff with veg in. I have printed off some recipes and in one of my cookbooks there is a picnic guide.

But if anyone has any nice recipe ideas please let me know!

Time to finish my tea and get some work done xx

It's been a while since I wrote on here-just had some time issues going on!

Still feel as bad as I did a week ago. 2 days ago I went to Carluccios, I had asparagus in balsamic vinegar-it has parmesan shavings on it but I only had half of that-that was the starter. My main was a slow cooked duck salad-it has red onions, green beans and peppers in it. The duck breast was 4 very thinly sliced pieces-when I say thin I mean as thin as those ham slices you get to put in sandwiches! I couldn't believe it!

An hour later I was hungry again-I had a handful of grapes, that didn't work so I made some hot chocolate-the options one.

Yesterday I ate dinner and felt sick and I still do this morning.

It took me until last night to realise I hadn't done the one thing I probably should have done to begin with- a pregnancy test. It was negative thank goodness!

But I still don't know what's wrong with me.

Picnic was good-I made guacamole and a tomato salsa. I also made a salad. We had prawns, steak, chicken, sausages etc etc.... I had one sausage-it was turkey with herbs, a piece of chicken and a prawn skewer with plenty of salad and a little guacamole.

I got some butter beans so I think I am going to make some kind of mash type thing out of it and have it with a grilled piece of chicken-that's if I even want to eat.

I'm at the docs on Monday for my implant fit so will ask about what's going on with me then.
Ahhh man I wrote a whole long thing and then it disappeared!

Ok cut down version-how soon could I have taken the pregnancy test? I am a week late for my period.
Symptoms are: feeling sick but not being sick, feeling hungry a lot, lightheadedness, headaches, going to the toilet a lot more but not drinking more than usual and being late for my period. I want to put the being late for my period down to the fact I am now off the pill and the pcos means my cycle is in a mess without the pill-but the rest I don't know! Did I take it too early?

Last night I ate grilled herb chicken with sweet potato mash-435 calories.


B-was meant to have an omlette but had no time-should have been 200 calories. I did have a cup of tea which was 44 calories.
L-Will be turkey and avocado salad- 372 calories
D- Will be lemongrass chicken with wok fried vegetables- 190 calories

That takes my total to 606 calories.
Ahhh I just want to note that that was THE BEST lunch I have had in ages!

All you need is half an avocado, bag of salad, some cress, 3 turkey slices, plain low fat yoghurt some mustard and honey (although I hate honey so missed it out)

All you need to do is mix the yoghurt, honey(if you're having it) and mustard to form a dressing. Then mix together the rest of the ingrediants-pour over the dressing and hey presto-turkey and avocado salad. So easy to make, so filling and it tasted great! Although I think I put too much mustard on-depending on your taste it's 2 tablespoons of yoghurt to half a teaspoon or less of mustard.

Mmmmmm yummmm! I am sufficiently full now :)

Although I have to admit i'm looking forward to dinner tonight-i've never made it before! xx

Lemongrass chicken was fab!

Lunch on Sat was a baked potato with beans (I was out shopping and this was the healthiest thing I could find!). can't really remember dinner :S I think it was griddled steak with salad.

Sunday I had toast for breakfast, lunch was salmon with veg and dinner was home made pizza BUT-I put the smallest amount of cheese on that I could and loaded it with veg

Breakfast today was a cup of tea 44 cals

Lunch today was the turkey and avocado salad-but I had a teaspoon of hoummas instead of the other dressing. 372 cals-although it might be less because I didn't have the dressing.

Not suer of dinner tonight-I have some salmon in the fridge and want something spicy so will figure that out later!

I still can't use my hula hoop-it keeps dropping to the floor! After work i'll be doing some aerobics, then it'll be a nice shower and some reading before bedtime :)
Yesterday I had a chicken breast grilled with some herbs on top and some boiled veg.

This morning I had a cup of tea 44 cals
Lunch was soup 226cals
Dinner will be the salmon as today is the last day I can eat it! Not sure of the calories on it-you'll find out tomorrow! :)

Started getting stuff ready for the holiday. To be honest I wanted to be a lot further on than I am weight wise by now. I should be grateful I only put on 1 pound when I went through the constantly being hungry phase however that's one pound I thought I had said goodbye to forever! I haven't bought any holiday clothes, i'm going to have to wear whatever I have-no point in spending the money on something that will hopefully be too big for me soon. I really feel disheartened today- I really am trying but it feels like the more I try the further away my goal feels.

My doctors appointment is tomorrow so I am going to have a nice chat with her to try to figure out what is going on. And if it feels like she really doesn't care i'm going to ask to see someone else-someone who does want to help me.
I ate the salmon and still didn't check the calories-but it was just grilled salmon with some paprika sprinkled on top and a salad so i'm hoping it wasn't a huge amount!

Breakfast was a cup of tea again- 44 cals
Lunch-i'm not really sure, I feel quite undecided about it. The weather is horrible so I don't want to go out and I do want something warm to eat.
Dinner- not sure either-i'll have a look through my book and see what I can rustle up.
I seem to be ill more on this low gi diet than I was when I was eating rubbish!

Today I woke up to diarrhoea :( I don't feel unwell as such though.

I had two cups of tea and I was back in the toilet. I tried for so long to hold it because I was at work but my stomach was making really loud growling noises.

2 cups of tea=88 calories. I'm sure I lost more than that just this morning!

Bleh...I want to go home :( .....I need a hug!
Hello all!

I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better today!

Yesterday my calorie total was 132! I had another cup of tea when I got home and went straight to bed.

Woke up this morning and I was fine thank goodness! I have a weekend of running around to do so couldn't really afford to be unwell. I didn't get my hug last night :( but will be getting one this afternoon when my boyfriend picks me up from work for some lunch :)

So today I have had one cup of tea at 44 calories. We are going to the pub for lunch but fear not-I will be drinking orange juice and eating something healthy! It has to be warm though as I feel quite cold today, but will still be healthy :)

Going back to my parents tonight as my dads flight is on Tuesday-not sure what my mum will have made but she knows what I can and can't eat so i'm not overly worried. Weekend will be spent getting the last of my dads stuff together. I think we are going to watch the backup plan as well-my dad won't go but I might try to convince my brothers! Think we'll be eating out as well-maybe nandos...mmm i've not had nandos in a while!

Right all this talk of food is making me hungry already-I have another half an hour to wait!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! xx
Hmmmm ok so yesterday this is what I had

B-cup of tea 44 cals
L-bowl of cereal 116 cals
D- Grilled chicken with brocolli, cauliflower and peas-not sure how many cals are in that though!

I also only managed 20mins of my aerobics as I pulled a muscle in my leg a few days ago and it still stings a little.

I met up with a friend last night who is a pharmacist and told me that having the implant could be the worst thing I ever did. He put me off it so much that I am now back on the pill! It was nice meeting up with him and having a good catch up-it was long overdue!

Oh also, it's so depressing that I can't even bear to update the stats but I am back to where I started-back to the 183 pounds :( I got on the scales this morning :( I feel so disheartened but I know it's my own fault. I didn't exercise enough and the last few weeks I haven't stuck to the low gi as much as I should have. But today is a new day and I will start shifting it again. It's weird because although I've put the weight on-my clothes are still too big for me.

Paris in one week today! I can't wait!

So this morning I have had a cup of black coffee with no sugar-it tastes god awful but I need a caffeine fix and this has less calories that a cup of tea! I read two different things online-one said it was 5 calories and the other said it was 0. I am going with the 5 just in case!

Lunch will be cereal again.

Dinner will be chicken caesar salad-I am searching for a healthier version online. I am seriously considering just grilling the chicken and adding the salad parts-plus extra salad bits- I like brocolli and mushrooms in my salad! And missing out the dressing. In fact, yes that is what I will do.

I will be doing my exercise dvd today after work as well and will get through as much as I can with my dodgy leg :(

Also I wanted to say RIP Sarah-I never met you, nor did I speak to you but I have read through the end parts of your diary and from what everyone was saying you were a gem of a person. I wish that I had had the chance to speak to you and/or meet you. Reading through your diary brought tears to my eyes- I cannot believe you got so unwell so quickly :( I really hope that you are at peace now hun xxxx