Cost Benefit Analysis
of obsessing about food and weight
1. Learn new random facts about food, learned nutritional content of foods
2. Learned new recipes, I can cook better, able to cook for friends and family, sampled lots of different cuisines on holidays
3. It gives me the illusion of control over my overeating-"if i just change the type of food I'm eating then I'll be fine"
4. Feel more powerful, more in control of my life, stronger as a person, less vulnerable.
1. it gives me an illusion of control over my overeating. I'm not really in control of it. I need a food plan to help me make good food choices. Planning my meals in advance and tracking my food intake helps me eat three meals a day. But I don't feel I'm in control of it per se. For me, it is an addiction that I have to manage one day at a time. One slip and I end up back at square one! But I can do it!

2. too much time spent thinking about food
3. not enough time spent on other things in my life, missing out on other things
4. feeling resentful that I can't eat what I like
5. making food the most important thing in my life leaves a gaping hole in other areas of my life
6. irritability, mood swings-when I eat sugary, carby food
7. low mood when I overeat
8. feelings of shame, guilt, low self worth over lack of self-control after I binge
9. not fitting into small clothes
10. not feeling happy with my appearance
11. less confidence
12. not comfortable in a bikini or underwear
13. feeling unhappy when I realise that I can't be "perfect"
14. using food/thinking about food and weight instead of dealing with problems directly so the problems never get solved ultimately, thus the cycle is perpetuated.
Evaulation: 14 disadvantages vs 4 advantages
Okay that is very clear so!
Cost Benefit Analysis
of being perfect
1. Illusion of control over my life, feel stronger, more powerful, not weak and vulnerable. To me, feeling weak and vulnerable is the worst thing ever but it is just normal at certain times, I know that logically.
2. feeling of superiority over other people that I can do it better, that I know more, that I get quicker results, feel less inadequate. Am I overcompensating? because I think I have to??
3. I think I'll never be criticised or piss anyone off if I'm perfect, that everyone will like me-I'm not saying this is rational, this is just whats in my head
4. No one will be able to accuse me of doing anything wrong, so it's a mechanism to protect myself really and to survive really. I just don't think it works in practice.
5. It makes me feel safe, it's old and familiar-fear of the unknown and risk taking.
1. I get overwhelmed, stressed over pressure I put myself under
2. I tend to rebel against my rigid rules and end up back at square one.
3. I feel tense and am not as fun as normal. Am more serious when I'm in "I have to perfect mode"
4. It consumes me and I can't think of anything else
5. I shut people out, I end up being completely goal driven and then wonder why I get lonely at times
6. I don't let people help me usually, I think I have to do it all by myself. When I get stuck, I pretend I'm fine when I'm really not, let the problem build up. Sometimes my pride can get in the way of my progress
7. I'm too hard on myself and think I should be superwoman rather than a competent human being.
8. By being perfect, I think I'm trying to be something I'm not instead of myself and I prefer my actual personality. Sometimes my impulsivity is good and makes life fun

9. Overthinking everything-urgh
10. My creativity goes-as I said, I get very procedure orientated and life becomes a slog instead of an adventure
Evaluation 10 disadvantages vs 5 advantages.
So clearly, I shouldn't do it.