Silver Member
Blob.. hopefully today and tomorrow (fast day) will help shift it for WI. I dont mind a STS as i know its period week!
LOL i am NOT going in a onsie, especially because the only one i have is COW PRINT! Er lol. Karen - im not allowed at work either, but its the only time i come on here! i live on here literally haha.. you'll be fine and im happy to support whenever possible
And Rachael - why thank you, i have been told im a typical leoand i dont know what to wear im so nervous
i like him LOADS so i really hope it goes well and doesnt take one look at me and think what a heffer and does a runner..
I cant decide between wearing blue skinny jeans and some top (not decided yet), a black dress with a red skinny belt or a skater skirt with a blouse tucked in with a belt