Day 2 of my fast. Down 2lbs today! lol, Mind you I have also just about finished my period, so much of the water gain and swelling has gone. Yesterday despite fasting, I managed to consume just over 1200, which is good news for me as it means im not going to be subjecting my body to starvation mode during this month! 1.5 more pounds and I will be down to last weeks WI.
Yesterday wasn't that hard for me, I ensured that i consumed nuts and fruit regularly and when I got home I had a decent portion of lasagne made with whole wheat lasagne sheets and quorn with a few sneeky pieces of garlic bread. Today I have some indian sweets with me. I have a pendu which is basically a small round ball made from milk powder sugar and ghee (i think), some kaju katri which is a sweet made from ground peanuts and a fruit jelly sweet which is just nuts and fruits dried in a wierd jelly thing, i have no idea what its made out of, but it is all what we call Farha which means we are able to consume it during out fasts. I also have with me a banana, a sharon fruit, pear and some strawberries and along with this ill keep topping up on tea and I should be fine.
No gym this week, just letting my body settle into the fasts, and then I may consider going to the gym on Monday for half an hour of light cardio and weights. Definatley do not want to lose the muscle definition I have started seeing over the last month, especially my arms (still have bingo wings but can see a few cuts in my arms which is such a boost!)
Anyways enough jibber jabber. Need to get on with some work.
Not sure what I will be having for dinner tonight but will update you all tomorrow