Guess who!! That's it you guessed right, its me! Back again with my daily dose of foody goodness and random dribble.
I was naughty! Veryyy naughty this morning and hoped on the scales to have a sneaky peak!! Only 2 more days till my new official weigh in day (Sat) and im 1.5lbs down! I hope it either stays like that or more comes off! I'd be ecstatic with a 2lb loss in 5 days! I'm desperate for my half a stone award. Itll be my first award, and after 5 weeks on plan I reallllly want it! Frustrating when you see other people who have had amazing losses in their first 2 or 3 weeks, and in over a month i've only lost 4lbs officially. I know its down to Xmas and new years weeks but still! Oh well, its coming off and thats all that matters!
So far this week i've been 100% on plan!
Today (EE) :
B: Magic Porridge (HeB) (35g Porridge mixed with 1 tub of mullerlight) - This was lovely, but after half the bowl I did start to feel a bit sickly! Maybe its the yogart flavour I used (Mandarin) which was a bit too tangy, but none the less I ate it all, and its now 9.30am and im not hungry yet, which is a good sign!
S: Mini Milky Way - 40 calorie bar (2 syns) - we were given these by my boss while we stood outside in the cold and snow for half hour because the damn coop bank burnt their toast

and there was no way I was saying no because I was FREEZING! But I made a good choice, I could have easily picked a snickers or a mars bar which im pretty sure is more calories!
S(2): Banana + Pear + 3 x Mini Babybel Light (HeA)
L: Veggie Pasta + 4 slices of lean wafer ham + Salad
S: Quavers (4.5 syns) + Apple
D: Quorn Sausages (2 syns), Bacon, Egg, Garlicy Tomatoey Mushrooms + Onion and some smash
S: 3 x Mikado (1.5 syn)
Total Syns: 10 syns
Im trying to keep my syns low again because even though this is going to be a short week, on Sunday I have a religious event to go to, and there will be stacks of indian food, which you guessed will be either deep fried or cooked in gallons of oil, so the syns will be through the roof! I'm going to try and stick to only eating the veggies and rice and stay away from indian sweets and chapattis or naan breads!
Can't believe its hump day already! These weeks seem to go so quickly. And today was ridiculously cold! It took me like 15 mins to scrape all the ice off my car this morning, because it was that annoying super thin layer that just sticks to your car like glue! (Surely that must count as body magic

lol) Saw a wii balance board on groupon for £24 but ive missed the deal now

bob! Might pull out the Wii sports and get some body magic in when I have the time!
Hope everyone else is doing well!
Its gonna be a cold couple of days make sure you all wrap up nice and warm!

Stay safe,
Peri x
EDIT: Water count
2xpint glasses of water (one with a slice of lemon)
2 mugs of green tea
3 small plastic glasses of water
No idea how much this amounts to lol