My four cats ^_^

So many gorgeous felines !!

On my signature you will see the lovely Nina ! when our 2 previous cats died 3 months appart (rosie aged 15 and muffin aged 13) we decided not to get another straight away as we didnt want our young daughters to think that pets are just throw away-you know ,one dies never mind ,easily replaced. I only managed a month,could just not be happy without a cat in the house,just didnt feel right.
We got Nina aged 2 from a rescue centre. She had been rehomed once but didnt get on with the couple's other cat so they bought her back, I am convince that everything happens for a reason and we were meant to have her !!we've had her for comming up to 4 years now. she is the most gentle and loving cat you could wish for,tho the rodent and bird population around here might not agree !!
She is right now sat on the arm of my chair,like she knows I am saying nice things about her !!

We couldn't even manage a month, it was less then a day later when we got our four. The house just seemed so empty without Thomas there:cry: and its one of the best things my hubby ever let me do (in getting all 4 of them)

When I brought them home I did not think to shut the kitchen door, and straight away they hid behind the boiler under the counter. Took us over 45minutes to get Suzie out from behind there, they were so terrified. They quickly learnt not to be afraid of us and I wouldn't have the house any other way..
I love seeing the pics of everyone's furbabies! Anyone who says cats don't have distinctive and loving personalities has never seen an actual cat in action.
Have some friends who have a dog, and she can't stand cats. Never understood why though.

Now that my cats go outside, I never have to sort out there litter tray and pick up there dog mess, never have to take them for walks, and almost never do I have to give them a bath as they are very clean animals.

Don't get me wrong dogs are ok too, but for me they could never replace cats, and anyone who hates cats, well I never understood that, unless your afraid of them or allergic to them..
I think if had just been me, i wouldnt have lasted much more than a day, but like isay i want the girls to know that these things matter.

I also think most animals have their own personalities , we also have hamsters and guinea pigs and they are all different and all gorgeous !!
Hello ladies, just found this thread which is great as I too am a big cat lover. I too can't quite understand why anyone would 'hate' a cat and feel they can be very misunderstood with their aloof stereotype.

I am 'owned' by a beautiful Maine Coon who along with my partner is my world. Think he needs some playmates soon tho ;)

Did anyone watch the Horizon documentary on bbc2 the other night about Celia Hammond's Cat charity? I wept all the way through it was heartbreaking :cry:
Ah Rachel, Iggy is gorgeous.

"Iggy is a lovebug and will sit and stroke my face with his paw"

My Jumper does that to get my attention when I am reading. I have the book in front of me when reading in bed, suddenly a paw comes across the top and pulls it down and Jumper climbs across the book to sit right in front of my face, then he settles down, purring.

Alternatively, when I am tucked up trying to sleep he will sit right next to me waiting expectantly. I pretend to be asleep and then I feel his paw prodding my forehead, nose, mouth, cheek. He is waiting to get under the covers and is not patient lol. "Oh ok then, in you get" I say, and he pushes in and settles himself against me, purring loudly.

I noticed that Fugee is sitting in the sink. What is it with cats and water/ bathrooms/sinks?

My neighbour keeps the plug in her sink in the bathroom so that her cats can drink from it. They prefer that to a bowl of fresh water by their food. My cats prefer to drink dish water (no fairy liquid) in my kitchen sink rather than fresh water from their bowl. Weird. But I love them to bits. Thanks for posting the pics.

Apparantly cats prefer stale water to fresh water,say a day old or so yet...

i have a cat fountain,they do use it,and the water is fresh,as goes round in a cycle..:eek:
its funny, youre either a cat or a dog person,i know some people keep both, but there does seem a divide.

i think people hate cats as they just doent understand why they act the way they do.. once you understand a cats behaviour then it all makes sense :)

did anyone watch the catwoman program with joanna lumley?
Yes I saw that one too, my feline love goes right up to the big cats, so she was so lucky there! Can you believe the whole de-clawing thing??:eek:
So many gorgeous felines !!

On my signature you will see the lovely Nina ! when our 2 previous cats died 3 months appart (rosie aged 15 and muffin aged 13) we decided not to get another straight away as we didnt want our young daughters to think that pets are just throw away-you know ,one dies never mind ,easily replaced. I only managed a month,could just not be happy without a cat in the house,just didnt feel right.
We got Nina aged 2 from a rescue centre. She had been rehomed once but didnt get on with the couple's other cat so they bought her back, I am convince that everything happens for a reason and we were meant to have her !!we've had her for comming up to 4 years now. she is the most gentle and loving cat you could wish for,tho the rodent and bird population around here might not agree !!
She is right now sat on the arm of my chair,like she knows I am saying nice things about her !!

your cat is gorgeous!! is she a long hair or a semi long?

i absolutely adore solid black cats! i would love a long haired solid black! gorgeous!
Yes I saw that one too, my feline love goes right up to the big cats, so she was so lucky there! Can you believe the whole de-clawing thing??:eek:

i know its really awful!! there is no need for the declawing,if you teach them to scratch on certain places,they wont wreck your home.... they have those soft claws now,which look quite cute,dont think i could get them on mine though..without being savaged first lol
Hello ladies, just found this thread which is great as I too am a big cat lover. I too can't quite understand why anyone would 'hate' a cat and feel they can be very misunderstood with their aloof stereotype.

I am 'owned' by a beautiful Maine Coon who along with my partner is my world. Think he needs some playmates soon tho ;)

Did anyone watch the Horizon documentary on bbc2 the other night about Celia Hammond's Cat charity? I wept all the way through it was heartbreaking :cry:

i have a maine coon and he is the most impressive character.he follows me everywhere,he sits at my feet..hes like a dog in many respects.and he has the most teeny weeny voice,for his size you'd think he would have a louder voice, yet its like a mouse lol
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Back in early 1996 I was in line for a job that would have meant working in US for a while and i was very excited about it. I didnt get the job in the end despite 3 interviews and i was gutted. That weekend I went out by myself with the intention of some retail therapy to cheer myself up and found myself sitting in a cafe reading a local paper. I spotted an ad for kittens for sale, and decided there and then that was what i needed.

I would like to say at this point that being dissapointed in the job market is NOT a good reason to get a pet. And neither is it a good reason to get a pet when your hubby has specifically stated he doesnt want pets. Just thought i would mention that.

Anyway, I took off there and then in search of a kitten, I even armed myself with a cat basket, as I knew at that point I wouldnt be going home without one.

I think i followed up about 5 or 6 ads that day looking for the purrfect kitty, and finally ended up in a village not too far from me, actually the last one on my list, for a kitten advertised as 'part persian, part scruffy tom who had no right to be sniffing round my prize Cleo'.

When i got there, there were 2 kittens left from a litter of 6, aged 12 weeks. I walked in to this house, and was immediately met with 2 of the most beautiful tabby kittys I had ever seen, identical like peas in a pod. Softest fur you could imagine, and such bright little eyes. They were playing with each other chasing up and down the stairs. I knew at that moment that I could never have just one, how i could part them?

On the way home I decided that their names were Sophie and Rose. So i got home and walked in the house with this cat basket, and hubby said 'what have you got there'. He didnt say much else all day, but that evening as we were going up to bed, hubby said, 'I suppose you should bring them up to bed with us'.

And that is where they have mostly slept ever since.

Despite being identical apart from the fact that Rose has 2 white toes and Sophie has 3 white toes (the only way we could tell them apart for a long time), they have totally different personalities. Sophie is ultra loving, always purring, and totally besotted with my son Rob, who is likewise besotted with her. Rose will turn her back on you as soon as look at you, and really couldnt give a damn, but she has the most amazing character and has become my soul mate.

Rose went on to have a litter of kittens, as I hadnt got them spayed quickly enough (that was soon sorted out!) and she had 6 kittens, one of whom was the brightest little button you could imagine. He looks black but when you get him in the sunshine his fur is the colour of Coca Cola. I called him Freddy after Feddy Mercury, as he was obviously destined to be a super star, but hubby named him Fats, after Fats Domino, so Fats he has remained.

Sophie and Rose are now 14 and half and Fats is 13 and half. Fats is quite a big cat, but totally soppy and lazy, Rose is the smallest and the one in charge and she will think nothing of cuffing Fats round the ear for no other reason than he probably looked at her wrong. Sophie on the other hand loves Fats and will spend ages grooming him.

On Saturday, I found Sophie lying on the kitchen floor unable to stand. It seems that she has had a small stroke or some neurological problem, and now her left legs are partly paralysed. We have taken her to the vets twice since then, and she is slightly improving. She could only lie on her side on Saturday, but now can can stand up, although very unsteadily. She isnt in any pain, but is just confused by what has happened to her. Im heartbroken of course, Ive no idea where this is going, how much she is likely to improve or what her quality of life is going to be.

Having talked it over with the vet we are just going to see how she progresses over the next week or 2.

She is just as loving, just as purry as she always has been, and the highlight of her day is when my son gets home from work. She will even try to get out of her basket to go to him.

Its brought home to me how lucky we are to have our cats, each different in their own way and each an essential part of our family. I know they are all getting on now, but I cannot imagine life without them, and hubby loves them just as much as I do. I dont know how much longer we will have Sophie, and what has happened to her could happen to any of them. I just treasure each day that they are with us.
awww, such a sweet lovely story. im sorry to hear about your Sophie,i really hope she gets better :)

i did laugh at the first part of your take, when hubby tells you to being them to bed with you ha ha :D

Lynn, we had an awesome extra-toed tuxedo cat named Homer who rehabbed himself after he had a stroke, at around Sophie's age. It took a few weeks, but he was back to his regular antics. Until we clued into the fact that he was tapping his paws on the affected side as a way of doing physiotherapy, we wondered if this was an after-effect of the stroke. We had another few good years with Homer afterwards.

Extra chin skritches from me for Rose, Sophie and Fats. And ((((big hugs to you))))
Oh I am so sorry to hear about Sophie, Lynn, it must be heartbreaking. Sending you positive thoughts and give her an extra cuddle from me.

My partner and I don't intend to have children, neither of us feel the need or want; Lucius is our little boy, the love we have for him is as strong as it would be if he was a toddler (and gawd knows it's like having one!) We need a bigger house first, but can't wait to bring more kitties into the house, he definitely needs a little brother or five! More Maine Coons likely, bunny_hops is right they are like dogs, Lucius loves to chase balls and sticks and will growl at feathers and we also feed him raw meat which he loves. But yes, he has the cutest weediest meow too!

We're considering volunteering for the Cats Protection League - does anyone else do anything like that?
Oh I am so sorry to hear about Sophie, Lynn, it must be heartbreaking. Sending you positive thoughts and give her an extra cuddle from me.

My partner and I don't intend to have children, neither of us feel the need or want; Lucius is our little boy, the love we have for him is as strong as it would be if he was a toddler (and gawd knows it's like having one!) We need a bigger house first, but can't wait to bring more kitties into the house, he definitely needs a little brother or five! More Maine Coons likely, bunny_hops is right they are like dogs, Lucius loves to chase balls and sticks and will growl at feathers and we also feed him raw meat which he loves. But yes, he has the cutest weediest meow too!

We're considering volunteering for the Cats Protection League - does anyone else do anything like that?

I did actually think about fostering for the cpl.they set you all up with the equipment and the outdoor things for the cats.a lady i know does it,she has about 3 or 4 in her care at one time,theyre outisde,she enjoys doing it,but its sad when they go.

all of my babies have applaws for treats every day,they like the ostrich and sea bream flavour :D
Thanks for your kind thoughts everyone. Sophie is doing ok, she can get out of her basket and walk (like a drunk!) to the kitchen although she prefers the luxury of being in my study for now. She is such a lovely cat, and she is certainly loving all the extra attention she is getting. Im feeling more confident with her progress, i think she is going to be ok:)
really happy to hear that sophie is ok!


purrs and head butts from my furry gang
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