Hey der!!! Check out Fitness tv at 7pm tonite New workout startin Got email tellin me about it Sounds gud
Bonfire nite er tonite so inlaws havin ones 4 d kids and a party Weather permitting! Sky looks wicked!!! Hope u can stick to WS days as der easier Stay positive Tis only a number No one can tell Lookin at u what u weigh or what size Ur clothes r
Ul b back on d wagon in Ur own time
No pressure Doin it 4 urself No one else!!
Sendin u lots of big bear hugs!!! X x o o x x X
I'm here to do a 2week stint to get down as much as I can for my bros wedding. Been working hard on Atkins (where I also have a diary), but thought it better to come here for support too.
Current weight is 10.9 and size 12, wanting to lose as much as possible - but realistically I'll probably drop 7-10lbs. So long as I look skinny in photos I don't mind!
I have some exante and SS packs so can start straight away.
Posting this so I can compare in 2weeks.
I know the drill -today and tomorrow will be hell so will stay strong. Here goes.....