Awe thanks Tasha,
You're so right about the mindset had to change again for maintenance, that when we have to embrace it as a healthy way to live and it because we choose to.
And yes loosing weight is probably up their in the top ten of tough things many of us will consider in our life times, and only some of us attempt,
And then even then, only some of us will achieve.
It's horrid stats but we need to educate outlrselves and hopefully others through them watching our new way.
Crikey,take outs on plan, that's new, I feel really bad having a tomatoe lol. I actually end up just doing step 2, and as I'm on 1b hey losses should be the same, but will stick with my products. That the key, my body needs them, the water, and my family here to see me through this.
Oooo my body has changed, I've started seeing it. 1/2 stone and that's an inch lost in the past 12 weeks of my journey! 6 whole inches is what blows me away. It's usually 1/2 an inch to every half stone lost, well it's been that on for every 1/2 inch gained lol... But my weight goes on my body all over, doesn't settle in one place above the other, so hopefully I will just shrink back, like someone letting out a balloon lol, here's wishing anyway, normally, and weight training will eventually address and slack skin.
May look at a PT nearer the time to show me how to use the weight and what plan to follow, I would like to bulk up with muscle a bit, to address saggy skin and to be super toned. It can be done at my age lol
We should all give ourselves a pat on the back for pushing through, everyone, who starts and falls away, I've done that and eventually came back, people find their way when they are finally ready either or whatever their journey short or long for whatever reason.
This forum is the go to for me and I hope them, very lovely people on this site