katywoo87 said:Been a bit all over the place... Been celebrating the fact i got a 1st class honours in my degree so havent been focused!
Ive been invited to a posh dinner at sopwell house on sat with my bfs family to celebrate.
My riley look has arrived this morning and i am going to start reading it asap!
I am also going to barcelona now next weds-sat can we take products with us? Planning on ss+ while i am away?
Siobhan89 said:It has to be celebrated thoughu done so well!! Just jump back on the wagon when u feel u need to.
Pretty sure u can take products abroad if they're in your case? If its just hand luggage i don't see it being a problem either unless it's tetras as they're liquid? Good for u for wanting to do SS+ whilst you're awaydon't think I could do it lol xx p.s what's riley?? Lol
katywoo87 said:Il pack them in my case as i need to stay on plan and shift some weight for my bday night out. Oh its a book ive bought which has been recommended by someone its called 'eating less: say goodbye to overeating' by gillian riley. I want to try tackle my binge eating, over eating and comfort eating because this diet isnt forever and need to learn how to eat sensibly. Its really good so far and easy to read xx
Siobhan89 said:Aww cool sounds interestingmy CDC had a chat with me on Monday for over an hour n she said she would recommend the Paul McKenna think slim (or whatever it's called lol) coz its gd for identifying triggers etc I might check it out but not sure. My CDC said her trigger is to always leave something on her plate n it's her way of controlling how much she eats, strange how we're all different lol xx
katywoo87 said:Your cdc sounds really nice and supportive! Mine had me in and out in 10mins lol thats partly why i went onto s&s.. Yea i think a book like that is good cause it puts things into perspective and makes u recognise ur danger signs or what triggers you. I know what mine r its just i need to learn how to manage them. Ive started doing that with the plate thing i always leave at least half my dinner and lunch if it has carbs. I just dont enjoy eating that much and feeling full but at same time i struggle with the strictness of completely ss.. But i am working on it lol xx
Siobhan89 said:Yeh I think the right CDC can make all the difference. Yeh same with me I just need to take control but it's gonna be hard! I think taking up exercise for myself on a regular basis might help me regain some control,when I'm eating again i can burn off enough not to put on weight again hopefully. But who knows lol we just need a happy mediumxx
katywoo87 said:Gonna stop posting until i am 100% because i am just wasting my time and anyone elses time. I have been awol with social events, an important family meal last night and right now its impossible to stick to this although i am incorporating the packs into my diet. I also got a 1st in my degree with honours so there have been a lot of celebrating with family and friends.
Also i go to barcelona on wed so i aim to have my packs in the day whilst i am away as i want to shift weight for my bday! Somehow i think being busy and in the heat abroad il find it easier to stick to and then my meal in the evening.
So I will be back on here once things have settled down a bit and hopefully this diary wont be repetative with the cycle of stop/start!
Hope everyone else is doing well x
LeaE said:Hey love thanks for popping by x I will really miss u but totally appreciate yr needs and have total respect for that post x don't u forget young lady yr a stunning intelligent amazing little person and on top of that u look fab x a pleasure to have got to know u and I'm really impressed by how u have come along x sending my love and kisses yr way and I'm always here as always x x
katywoo87 said:Aww thank you Lea you were my first friend on here and always been so supportive. Hope I havent let you down i just cant do it anymore. You are doing brilliantly and as i said before i wish i had an ounce of your determination. I will def be reading your diary on a regular basis and will keep in touch! You dont have far to go now youre in the 13s and I cant wait to see your end result! Take care xxxx