ProPoints My Journey To Loose 26.5lbs/145lbs

I had my dailies most days, think one day I was -2 and one day -6. I had either 10 or 12 weeklies.
Enjoying them tonight though:beer8:

Whenever I've been to WW classes, there never been anyone thats lost a significant amount of weight, I mean like 40+lbs. But this time theres a woman whos lost 100, one whos lost 71 and a bloke who's lost 80+ - proof that it can be done, it's not all about meal replacement diets - I can actually get somewhere eating real food and more than 400cals a day!

This week im gonna get cracking on with walking, try and get 4lb off next week. I think I should be able to get 2+ off every week for awhile considering how much I have to loose, but obv exercise is gonna help x
WoW thats absolutely fantastic !!!!! -8lbs . you should have got your first silverseven so. not bad for your first weigh in.:D:D. thing is now to keep it going ,keep trying new foods and adding variety (within points) and track ,track, track .Well done again.
wow that is amazing well done you

I thought they might be a reason why Im infillable today, THAT time of the month. Fabulous.
Hopefully all bloat will be gone before weigh in next week.

I've been good today. Not teatime yet though! Having fajitas for tea nommyyyy!! Plan on using all my remaining dailies on dinner, hopefully it will fill me up and stop me wanting chocolate, and sweet cravings can be knocked on the head by fruit. Thats the plan!

My dress for my mums wedding has been ordered in the wrong bloody colour! I have an email saying Nude, but my order tracker says Ivory. It better bloody be nude! Stressssss...! In the plus side my mums ordered a size smaller than I am so I'll have the choice on which size to wear as I have ordered my current size. Keeping my fingers crossed for the smaller one!
Thank you! Good luck for tomorrow! Do you have a diary on here? x

I don't yet but plan to set one up within the next couple of days.

I didnt do quite as well as you but managed a good 3lbs loss tonight. very happy with this, sw was only giving me 1lbs a week so much better! x
I don't yet but plan to set one up within the next couple of days.

I didnt do quite as well as you but managed a good 3lbs loss tonight. very happy with this, sw was only giving me 1lbs a week so much better! x

3lbs is fab, especially as you had already been dieting.
I think my body is in shock from lack of cake haha!

I have a MASSIVE choc craving! And my pro-points dont reset until midnight. Give me childbirth any day blurrghhhhh
Aw no!! My points recalculated tonight with the loss so I've lost a point a day less. Wasn't expecting that so soon lol

Thanks :) Very pleased! Are u managing your points well? I sometimes have 30ish left after work still!! X
I've got the hang of it now. Have got good at having 3 well pointed, filling meals then having a few left over for snacks. Not today though because of skipping breakfast! I should drop down to the next stone bracket next week so will loose one then, eeeekk!!!
I thought my propoints reset at midnight last night, was actually the day before so I have 10left for the rest of the week after my chocolate feast last night! Opps haha! Looks like I'll be tracking VERY carefully for the rest of the week!
That is probably a good thing as I ordered WAYYYY too much fruit! I have a melon, a huge punnet of kiwis, a bigger punnet of plums, a bag of apples and 2 bug bunches of bananas to get through!
I need to get through this week!!!!
I always get overly hungry when im 'on' but this is ridiculous! I had a good size dinner, 3 plums, 5 slices of melon and an apple and im STILL hungry! I think im gonna have to see how many PP I have left for the evening and spend them wisely.

Gosh this is hard!
Kimboowee said:
I need to get through this week!!!!
I always get overly hungry when im 'on' but this is ridiculous! I had a good size dinner, 3 plums, 5 slices of melon and an apple and im STILL hungry! I think im gonna have to see how many PP I have left for the evening and spend them wisely.

Gosh this is hard!

You will get through it, use some of your weeklies if you have to. I'm In the same boat as you this week, managed to resist so far tho!!! I've been supping on cup a soups in between meals and having supper if I have enough points left.
I went to bed with 4pp left last night. Doing well today. I've had breakfast and lunch, probably totalled at 15pp so have ALOT if I feel the need to pick tonight. Not sure whats for tea tonight. Something with mince or warburtons wraps!
Been MIA the last few days! I got locked out my house for 24 hours so had to go stay with my mum!
Still doing well, tonight were having warbutons wrap pizza!

Looking forward to Tuesday, it's come round so quick this week - not sure if thats a good thing. Ordered a dress for my mums wedding, the first one I ordered came and was hideous! Hopefully this one is better. Still need to find some sandals and a wrap then im sorted. Booked nails today so that can be my treat after 4 weeks on WW!
Warburtons pizza was lovvveellyyy!!! Will be putting them on the shopping list again this week.
Just trying to put together our anniversary meal for next Saturday, we're having:
Pate and caramalised chutney with toasted bread
Chicken and blue cheese wrapped in parma ham with herb new potatoes and green beans
Strawberry, cream and chocolate maringue nests

Cant wait!
Warburtons pizza was lovvveellyyy!!! Will be putting them on the shopping list again this week.
Just trying to put together our anniversary meal for next Saturday, we're having:
Pate and caramalised chutney with toasted bread
Chicken and blue cheese wrapped in parma ham with herb new potatoes and green beans
Strawberry, cream and chocolate maringue nests

Cant wait!
Day 13!
So so so tired! Had been feeling really good until the last few days, blurgghhhhhh!
Still been 100% my rationed weeklies has gone well haha! But I think I would prefer a little but of choc everyday rather than a big bit in one go!
Gonna point up Sat nights meal when my shopping gets delivered so I can plan my week around it. Hopefully if im careful I can stay away from weeklies and use them for a few glassed of grape juice haha!

Im quite scared that I've not been bought anything though, I know it's not give to receive and all that but no moneys gone out the bank. No chocolates this year, I think I've told him enough times.

Today is going something like this:
WW soup 3pp
WW meal 6-8pp
Wholemeal Pitta 4pp
Tomato based sauce and veg 0pp

Need to point a few bits up, will do that whilst im on the laptop - Im stuck at my mums again waiting for more wedding bits to be delivered!!