Step 1 Sole Source My Journey To My Target :)

The tetra's are more smooth but really rich which is kinda putting me off now. I only like the choc ones and they are really convenient when I have to go out but I think I might try a few bars instead of the tetra's when i go out x

It's all trial and error plus I find our taste buds change, I agree the tetras and bars are super handy, my favourite bars are the cranberry & the peanut ones although they are all quite nice x
It's all trial and error plus I find our taste buds change, I agree the tetras and bars are super handy, my favourite bars are the cranberry & the peanut ones although they are all quite nice x

Me too love the tetras and bars for work. Although I just have the choc tetra and choc mint bar :)

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I think I'm finding the tetra's a bit rich so just get them down me as quick as I can lol. Today has been a test thanks to a very naughty 2 year old. I went to the shopping centre to find my eldest daughter a birthday present (she will be 6 this coming wednesday) and my son seriously must have made me burn a whole years worth of calories running after him and finding him when he decided he wanted to do his own shopping. After 6 hours I gave up and came home with no present but he was really happy as he got a spider man top which I thought would work as a bribe to calm him down (will remember next time that bribery doesnt work with him). The stress really made me want to comfort eat lol. Will also have to go in again to try and find her a present which i'm not looking forward to.
Today I had a chocolaty day:
2 chocolate tetra's
1 chocolate shake
1 green tea
3 litres of water
Another day 100% x
Give yourself a massive pat on the back! I refuse to take my kids shopping in town! Online shopping is the way forward ha ha. I get to annoyed and ratty and yes I prob would have ended up feeling run down and wanted to eat too. You did it though: you didn't cave. Massive achievement right there. Don't have that toast. It will kick you out of ketosis and you will feel super hungry again xxxxx
Day 10 done and over with not 100% because I picked on my childrens chicken and a had tiny bit of lamb but not too worried about it as it was such a small amount and I didnt have a massive binge so thats a bonus lol. Today I had:
Cappuccino shake
Chocolate shake
Chocolate tetra

As I'm coming closer to weigh in day I'm wondering whether I should have some bars instead of tetra's as I'm finding them too rich but I'm worried they might affect my weightloss as i've heard some say it affects theirs. Mmm one to think about x
Day 10 done and over with not 100% because I picked on my childrens chicken and a had tiny bit of lamb but not too worried about it as it was such a small amount and I didnt have a massive binge so thats a bonus lol. Today I had:
Cappuccino shake
Chocolate shake
Chocolate tetra

As I'm coming closer to weigh in day I'm wondering whether I should have some bars instead of tetra's as I'm finding them too rich but I'm worried they might affect my weightloss as i've heard some say it affects theirs. Mmm one to think about x

That's not to bad my love, nothing that will ruin your week and each day is a new day x x
Day 10 done and over with not 100% because I picked on my childrens chicken and a had tiny bit of lamb but not too worried about it as it was such a small amount and I didnt have a massive binge so thats a bonus lol. Today I had:
Cappuccino shake
Chocolate shake
Chocolate tetra

As I'm coming closer to weigh in day I'm wondering whether I should have some bars instead of tetra's as I'm finding them too rich but I'm worried they might affect my weightloss as i've heard some say it affects theirs. Mmm one to think about x

Hey, so glad things are going well and no binging!!! congrats on making it to day 11 :) I personally really like the bars and would struggle without them and for me they haven't made a difference I don't think as my weight loss has stayed pretty consistent, I have been advised to have the lemon yoghurt bars (which taste sooooooo good) and the crunchy bars rather then the chewy bars and I tend to have only one a day, but I think as long as you have your water you should be fine, but just double check with your consultant though, as mine introduced the bars after I was on CD for two weeks. But I am so glad it's all going well and keep it up :)

Progress so far
Started 4[SUP]th[/SUP] August – Weight 17stone and 3lbs
Week 1- Lost 10lbs
Week 2- Lost 3lbs
Week 3 and 4- went off the diet :mad:
I restarted with a new consultant on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] September and gained 5lbs
Week 1 (again) - Lost 9lbs
Week 2 – Lost 4lbs
Week 3 – Lost 4lbs
Week 4- Lost 3lbs (15.3)
Week 5- Lost 5lbs (14.12) and I will never ever see 15 on the scales again
Week 6- ???
Total weight loss 33lbs :D
Trying not to pick but its hard and as my hubby wasn't home today I picked freely but only a little bit and on smoked salmon and tuna. I'm not picking massive amounts and amounts that won't make a difference but I want to learn not to pick now or even after cambridge so tomorrow will be a no picking day for me otherwise I will have to do 13 weeks instead of 12 weeks on cambridge :D
Day 11 completed and today I've had:
2 cappuccino shakes
1 chocolate shake
1 green tea
4 litres of water
I've been so thirsty that i drank 4 litres of water but the running to the loo has been a joke, I think I will stick to the 3 litres tomorrow no matter how thirsty.
I would have completed my second week when i get weighed so will be asking the consultant for some bars instead of the tetra's and if they affect my weightloss after 2 weeks I will just go back to using shakes and tetra's only x
Day 12 over and done with 100%. Been a busy day cleaning and changing bedding that I missed my second shake and had to have it in the evening with my 3rd shake. Stupidly decided to have 2 of the tetra's together and feel sick now. Today I've had:
2 chocolate tetra's
1 chocolate shake
1 green tea
3 litres of water
I'm all chocolated out x
Tomorrow is the Eid party at my daughters school and I really hope no one notices that I wont be eating and if they do I hope they dont bug me into eating x
Tomorrow is the Eid party at my daughters school and I really hope no one notices that I wont be eating and if they do I hope they dont bug me into eating x

Social events can be tricky but keep strong, maybe you could mingle with a little on a plate and they may not notice ? x x x
I'm planning to put some on my plate but pass it on to the kiddies :D
Another day completed and I did pick but still luckily in ketosis. I felt really bad when all the other mummies kept on saying you not eating. Mmm well never mind I will be able to eat next week. Weigh in day tomorrow and looking forward to it. I dont think I will get my 1 stone but there will be a small loss hopefully x
Ooooo good luck for weigh in! Let us know how you get on hunny xxxxxx
For my second week I have lost 3lbs bringing total loss to 13lbs yayyy. I'm 17st exactly so will definitely be seeing those 16s next week.
I brought the bars tonight and have had the peanut crunch bar and it was like chewing on cardboard lol. I hope the other bars are better xxx
For my second week I have lost 3lbs bringing total loss to 13lbs yayyy. I'm 17st exactly so will definitely be seeing those 16s next week.
I brought the bars tonight and have had the peanut crunch bar and it was like chewing on cardboard lol. I hope the other bars are better xxx

Well done my lovely, that's very very nearly a stone,

I loved the peanut bars previously, our taste buds change though out the time on plan, bet you can't wait for next weigh in, not only will you be well over a stone but you will be in the next stone down x x x
Yea I can't wait and then I can countdown to the next stone. I think I didn't like the bar because I could also taste the sweetener but I got once of each flavour and 2 of the peanut ones thinking I will like them doh! x
Yea I can't wait and then I can countdown to the next stone. I think I didn't like the bar because I could also taste the sweetener but I got once of each flavour and 2 of the peanut ones thinking I will like them doh! x

You may find you like them at a later date:)
The lemon, the mint & the cranberry are my favourites.
It's all exciting stuff x x