Morning people. Thank you for your kind words

I appreciate you. Two days off and I don't know what to do with myself!

I'm too broke to go to town and do anything so I have no choice but to stay indoors. I think cleaning and more cleaning is on cards today lol I'm thinking since I've decided to resume training once I'm near my goal weight, I sould maybe do something productive with my spare time. I really want to learn Spanish so might do some research on at home training courses etc other than that it's all good. Diet goes smoothly, stress free really. I have a few invitations to parties in February/ March but I haven't decided if I'm going to go yet. I'm not sure if I can handle a night off without causing damage at this stage yet. I'm kinda happy staying on plan at the moment so I don't want to disturb that. On the other hand I don't want to become a social recluse and keep rejecting invitations. People are going to start thinking I'm weird lol Also... A boy I've been kinda seeing on and off for a while (not really a boy, he's a grown man lol) wants me to visit him in Panama in March. He plays American football professionally and he'll be there for the next 5 months. I have a week off in march but looking at flight tickets I don't see how I'm going to afford £800+ for the trip. Tempting though. I haven't seen him for ages and he is so hot! lol
