Silver Member
Feels like I haven't updated this for ages. I've been so busy with work though. It was the end of financial year for us so lots to sort out, finalise, etc.
I worked through Easter (apart from Sunday) which I was ok with. Being busy keeps me out of trouble lol
So I have two days off now. I was hoping to finish decorating my bathroom but bloody homebase failed to deliver my order despite stating it was going to arrive today...
Oh well... I've cleaned the house from top to bottom instead
Gym was great this morning. I can see slow progress with my shape as I work out so I'm in good spirit
Diet wise I'm still going strong. Not tempted to cheat in the slightest (I don't consider adding extra proteins on my workout days cheating). I do however worry a little about my periods. I've had 3 in nearly a month. I've had a few days 'off' in between each lot but otherwise it's been pretty much constant.
It's the first time I came on after the miscarriage I had in July and its the first time since I've been on an injection so nearly a year (yes I fell pregnant while on injection
I'm hoping this will settle in the next few months but being on the program and bleeding so much makes me really tired. On Sunday I literally slept the whole day...
Otherwise nothing to report. Not heard from the gym guy again. I think he got the message. I hope so anyway. It will be awkward to see him on Sunday though as I go to his circuit classes..
Oh we'll we will see.
Hope everyone is cool..
Oh. And second weigh in is tomorrow!!! #eek
Feels like I haven't updated this for ages. I've been so busy with work though. It was the end of financial year for us so lots to sort out, finalise, etc.
I worked through Easter (apart from Sunday) which I was ok with. Being busy keeps me out of trouble lol
So I have two days off now. I was hoping to finish decorating my bathroom but bloody homebase failed to deliver my order despite stating it was going to arrive today...
Oh well... I've cleaned the house from top to bottom instead
Gym was great this morning. I can see slow progress with my shape as I work out so I'm in good spirit
Diet wise I'm still going strong. Not tempted to cheat in the slightest (I don't consider adding extra proteins on my workout days cheating). I do however worry a little about my periods. I've had 3 in nearly a month. I've had a few days 'off' in between each lot but otherwise it's been pretty much constant.
It's the first time I came on after the miscarriage I had in July and its the first time since I've been on an injection so nearly a year (yes I fell pregnant while on injection
I'm hoping this will settle in the next few months but being on the program and bleeding so much makes me really tired. On Sunday I literally slept the whole day...
Otherwise nothing to report. Not heard from the gym guy again. I think he got the message. I hope so anyway. It will be awkward to see him on Sunday though as I go to his circuit classes..
Oh we'll we will see.
Hope everyone is cool..
Oh. And second weigh in is tomorrow!!! #eek