My journey

Morning:D. Good to hear you are feeling so positive - keep it up and have a mega day:)
Thanks Katie you too!! I have to face our village school fare and all the mums think Im horrid for kicking my ex out!! I will brave face it !! Yet another challenge!! May be ready for a cheeky glass or two later
Cheeky glass good - as long as it doesn't lead you astray! Head held high - none of their d***m business!
Inspired by your weight loss Katie just checked mine in kilos and I have lost 20Kilos yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Yeah stuff what other (stupid) people say, love, it's your life and you need to be happy! And WTG on the 20 kilos :)
Well the summer fair went ok and I wasnt blanked by too many mums !! Today I am going to tackle the garden - weather forecast is great so may catch some rays at the same time!! Hope everyone is having a happy weekend!!
Enjoy the garden! Great day for it, although it might get a little too warm to do much other than flop on a lounger! lol
Morning, it's boiling here this morning and so was yesterday
My garden is looking great! Unfortunatley my shoulders are now a little red!! Jim you must be really proud of yourself - what is the weight difference between the two photos?
ah, you've passed the magic 50 posts, so you can see sig photos now :D about 12 stone I think love
Be careful of that sun - let's all be fair and beautiful (says the person who hates being a pallid yellow colour all winter!) :D
Just a quick update - down another 2 today so 1lb off my (interim) goal yipeeeee!!
well done there, it's good to see progress
Sorry havent been on here for a while - life is so busy, however I have contined on Atkins and continued to lose which i am so chuffed about. Wearing a size 14 trouser now - never thought I would see that. I feel so much better and incredibly proud of myself, the losses are slowing down now but i dont feel deprived or like I will change this way of eating, it clearly works for me!!
Well done on the trous - keep up the great work:D
Well done on the loss!! Amazing! :)
Morning, well done, I bet you feel so good about that love