My JUDDD Diary - 35 pounds to lose

5.5lbs is a brilliant amount, well done :D xx
Haing a good UD today. I'm trying not to eat too much, but what I do eat I simply refuse to feel guilty for! I just did 40 minutes of vigorous cardio and it felt great! According to my machine I burnt 450 calories :)
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Hi, Glad I've found your diary. Congratulations on a brilliant first week. I try not to weigh more than once a week because by the very nature of the lifestyle your weight will go up and down like a rough sea LOL.....Its perfectly normal to think you are overdoing your UD's at first. To reassure yourself keep an eye on the calories and as long as you don't go over 2,000 you will be fine. However you should also remember that eating too little on your UD's will turn JUDD into a low calorie diet like any other & you will lower your metabolism like on those types of diets. Just keep to the one rule of eat your calories and you'll be fine and the weight will go...I've slowed down now to about 1lb a week, which is fine as I don't do much exercise. If i can keep it up why would I worry, its so easy!!
Hi, Glad I've found your diary. Congratulations on a brilliant first week. I try not to weigh more than once a week because by the very nature of the lifestyle your weight will go up and down like a rough sea LOL.....Its perfectly normal to think you are overdoing your UD's at first. To reassure yourself keep an eye on the calories and as long as you don't go over 2,000 you will be fine. However you should also remember that eating too little on your UD's will turn JUDD into a low calorie diet like any other & you will lower your metabolism like on those types of diets. Just keep to the one rule of eat your calories and you'll be fine and the weight will go...I've slowed down now to about 1lb a week, which is fine as I don't do much exercise. If i can keep it up why would I worry, its so easy!!

Great to hear from you Jilly! Good point - I may not have been overdoing it on my UD's, but just felt that way because of past diet mentality, and seeing small changes on the scales. I've always been one to weigh myself regularly when on a diet so it would be quite difficult to wait a whole week! I set myself a small, incremental goal for the end of my second week (this weekend), and so will probably check the scales at least once during the week to be sure I'm on track!

Had a good DD yesterday - made homemade turkey burgers with turkey mince, egg white, whomemeal breadcrumbs, onion and garlic. I browned them in a tiny bit of olive oil and then finished them off in a very hot oven. I had two with some steemed vegetables with no breadcake. Totally yummy and low calorie!!!

Today is the first UD where I don't feel the need to binge. I just had a lovely & healthy breakfast and will aim for 2000 for the day. My first UD to really keep track of my calories. I'm hoping that 2000 will feel like a lot!
Your body and your mind will eventually realise you aren't going to starve it for weeks on end! Just enjoy and give it a bit of time..... I love JUDDD:D xx
Am wondering if this diet is going to give me enough calcium? I was diagnosed with 'pre' osteoperosis a couple of years ago and am due another bone scan soon.

It's easy to get my daily calcium and vitamin D requirements on UD's, not so easy on DD's. Will see what my GP says....
Good point Teresa - haven't had yogurt in aaaages since I tried Dukan and got sick of it! Will get some, and some low cal cottage cheese as well.
Well, I counted my calories all day yesterday, right up until the point where I over-ate. lol. It was an UD and I ate most of my calories too soon yesterday, so didn't have hardly any left for or after tea. I was right around 2000 and then had some peanut butter in a breadcake and a couple of celebrations sweets. I probably had 2300 calories or so in total.

I risked weighing myself this morning and I was pleasantly surprised to see I'm another .5 pound down, so I must be doing something right! It's probably the exercise that's keeping me on track.....and the fact that I've been pretty good at hitting 400 calories on DD's.

I'm at 193 and really wanted to be back in the 180's by this weekend....probably a bit optimistic! I could do two DD's in a row and probably get there, but that might not be the healthiest approach....
Am sooooo glad tomorrow's an UD. I've got my PhD viva and think I will need the calories!

Fingers crossed I will soon be Dr Pastaholic. Lol.
Children with disabilities, I'm doing it part time and only started in September so it's a long way ahead of me yet!

14 lost : 53 to goal
Glad its still going well for you, sounds like youve git both the UD's & DD's sorted now, so it should soon become second nature, well done
Well, am sorry to admit I ruined my first DD yesterday :-( I hadn't eaten all day, but later in the afternoon had a couple glasses of wine which went straight to my head and lowered my willpower. I rationalised it at the time because I was nervous about my viva today and wanted to be able to relax.

I probably ended up eating about 1000 calories......not good. I'm not sure what to do today now.....maybe make it another ID?
I think have your up day without guilt. Your viva is important, forever important, and you need to go into it with a clear head

14 lost : 53 to goal