My life is as good as an ABBA song!

ahhhhh, your the say age as me 49, lol :)
And a love of Dukan xxx
Not at all, that dog could have bitten you too xxx
Cheesegirl, I'd be sorry if you quit Dukan but then I would say that, wouldn't I? It's the most effective plan I've come across for steady weight loss. If you're not in the mood to follow any plan at the moment then sensible eating so you don't undo all the good work already achieved sounds like a good idea. Then come back when you're ready! Totally not convinced about the feast/famine thing doing the rounds at the moment but I have to admit I haven't seen the TV programme/read the book. Please stay in touch, in any case xx
CG I'm really sorry to hear about what happened :( I hope you're both ok now, glad the police are taking it seriously

I can;t blame you for being worried enough to want to carry a spray, DD really wants a Dog, but so often this sort of thing happens with the smaller dogs ( big dogs asserting themselves in aggressive ways) and I know I'd be scared witless myself - hence I keep putting her off.

Take care hun xx
Oh don't let that put you off, I've had dogs all my life and this is the first time something like that has happened. You can't prevent everything in any case. I won't lie and say I'm not terrified at the moment but that will pass (well, and I've already ordered the pepper spray :)) So long as there are irresponsible people around things like this will always be possible and frankly, it never ceases to surprise me how many asses live in our world, and not only that - they just walk about freely!
Catching up now and I'm in panic mode - are you leaving us? Oh NO you can't ......... just don't disappear CG even if you don't do Dukan. Hope little pup is OK and you too. (I'll be back later to read more)
Ok, will try this again. Somehow my internet keeps dropping and I don't know if it's the software or the router but in any event it's annoying and I just lost my post so here I go again.

Chris, you are too sweet thank you. Am not dropping out of sight just unsure of what to do at this point. Of course I'm right now dealing more with the dog attack...
Thankfully my pup seems better today, she's actually eating and has ahem moved her bowels but she's definitely had a mental setback, poor thing after all the hard work getting her trust and getting rid of or at least reducing her fear this has only reinforced her fear. She heard a noise about 4.30 this morning and started growling, she's very much on the defensive. Well as they say, this too shall pass.

Have just taken some beef mince out of the freezer to make mince flan - which I've adjusted moderately spice wise to suit my tastes better and adding the ff local cheese, I love it! Dukan or not!
I found your diary. :) Your name is so pretty. Did your mother read Hemingway? You share a name with his beautiful young countess in Across the River and into the Trees.
Nice of you to say Orange. I'm pretty sure my mom never read Hemingway (she grew up in a communist country and I'm pretty sure he was banned) but there seems to have been an Italian song around the time I was born and they loved it so named me because of it. :) To this day I've never heard that song!
There were two divas named Renata around the time you were born: Renata Scotto and Renata Tebaldi, both Italian, both very talented, and both famous worldwide. :) Sing it, girl!
I've noticed the past few days that (I've got a huge mirrored sliding door in the hall where I see myself any time I walk down the hall) THERE IS NOW A SPACE BETWEEN MY THIGHS. Not too great yet but it's there! My legs are starting to look like 2 separate entities, no longer conjoined twins! How's that for progress :)
Hi CG sorry to hear about ur poor little dog x I would love one myself but there are so many staffs running around my area I would be too terrified to take it out ;-( it must have been very scary I got bitten by an Alsatian when I was 16 i am very wary around big dogs 30 years on, hope u don't have any lasting problems after such a traumatising time x
Re dukan I have followed every diet under the sun all of them worked while I was on them but always had a problem with hunger so gave up ended up putting the wight back on plus loads more, have to say dukan diet is first plan where I don't feel hungry & I'm not thinking about food 24 /7 so for me it's perfect. Have a break from it & see how u feel :) I always chopped & changed diets cause I thought it was like a magic wand being waved & I would be able to stick to new one ;-) but only u can make that decision (hope u stay tho )
Hope u have a good weekend xx

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CheeseGirl said:
I've noticed the past few days that (I've got a huge mirrored sliding door in the hall where I see myself any time I walk down the hall) THERE IS NOW A SPACE BETWEEN MY THIGHS. Not too great yet but it's there! My legs are starting to look like 2 separate entities, no longer conjoined twins! How's that for progress :)

Love this wish I had gap between mine well done Hun xx

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