Felling sulky today. So annoyed with self, I actually gained almost half a pound last week! I know I'd promised myself to stay off the scales but for maybe once a month but I couldn't resist and now look what I've done. Looking back over my food I don't think it was too awful, I managed portion sizes for the most part and stuck to low carb/low fat/high protein (haven't had bread, pasta or potatoes in weeks). But I've a sneaking suspicion I know what the problem is - MUFFINS!

I seem to have convinced myself that since they contain no flour or sugar I can eat the lot and I've been baking a whole tray (12) about every 36 hours! No matter how you slice it, that's a whole lot of calories. I'm such a dipwad! I'd be much better off allowing myself a small serving of fruit every day.
Anyway, I kind of let it get to me and yesterday I ate all the muffins and I had some chocolate, too, and this morning I couldn't be arsed to get on the treadmill. I've since calmed down and realised I wasn't doing myself any favours so I'm back to normalish (you know, freak show normalish

). Will keep my paws out of the muffin bag and tomorrow is the start of week 4 (my "running" days are Wed, Fri and Sun). Will be trying to undo the muffin and choc damage and will carry on as before.
Weather's gawgus, going out with the dog before it gets ugly hot later in the day. Happy Tuesday everyone!