Feeling great today, slept pretty well, woke up at around 445 I think but went back to sleep till just after 6am, thanks to x2 Kalms one a night.
Breakfast, soya light and porridge
Don't feel bloated today and my skin is really clear which is great as usually I get at least one spot prior to my period. Don't feel moody or irrational either
From my clean eating in the past, I know I felt better than I ever have in my life when eating this way, it's not a diet but a life style, I follow my interpretation of it, which is based around a clean body building eating plan, to encourage muscle repair and avoid saturated fat, processed junk and sugary snacks, but not avoiding good fats, veg and fruit, etc.
My belief which I think is a common one now is diets don't work because if you go back to eating how you did before the weight goes back on. You need to change your life style, and eating habits for good. Clean eating, healthy eating makes it easy
The only downside I found is if you follow this type of eating and then you do eat junk it makes you feel like crap! But that's not really a down side
I fell off the wagon due to an incredibly stressful period in my life, where I lost the plot completely, I had to work really hard to put on this three stone and I did, by eating tons of junk, huge portions of pasta loaded with cheese, chocolate and sweets, take out and wine by the vat, basically everything I shouldn't want I craved and the more I ate the more I wanted and I gave up, I hated myself, but I couldn't stop, I was miserable, stressed, not sleeping and all I wanted was comfort food, I kidded myself that I didn't care, after 20 years being on some sort of diet and latterly eating healthy, I couldn't be bothered anymore, I wanted to eat what I wanted when I wanted. Life was too short to diet or eat sensibly. That's what I told myself... I am sure my eating this way, didn't help my mental health problems, I had mood swings, anxiety and generally felt crap.
Finally things started to get better and then the boss who had made life hell was binned and life suddenly and dramatically started to get better, who can believe one person can have such a negative effect, anyway I started to feel like my old self again, finally, after five years I started to realise I didn't want to carry on this way, comfort eating wasn't working anymore
Getting back into healthy eating seems like riding a bike, you never forget, and falling back into it has been much easier than I hoped, especially when it makes you feel so good. I hope that with all I have learned about myself in the last year's, that this time me and healthy eating have a love affair for life
Things do get in the way, family and friends and meals out, but take it one meal at a time, don't be pressured, don't give up and make the best choices for you, that's what I am telling myself xxxxz
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