My Mad Fat Diary

Youve done amazing heather every time i see how far youve come it makes me more determined ive just got to have willpower and keep at it i feel unhappy with how i am so i need to do it xxxx
Tbh this is the 1st ever diet, eating plan what ever u want to call it that I actually stuck to. Yes I miss certain things because they are far to many syns
But id rather be shopping fpr size 10/12 clothes than something that tastes good for a few minutes and then takes a fortnight to shift the weight from it.

U will get there babe. Ups and downs along the way. But u will xx
Tbh this is the 1st ever diet, eating plan what ever u want to call it that I actually stuck to. Yes I miss certain things because they are far to many syns
But id rather be shopping fpr size 10/12 clothes than something that tastes good for a few minutes and then takes a fortnight to shift the weight from it.

U will get there babe. Ups and downs along the way. But u will xx

Ive stuck to other diets in past but feel there not something i could do long term where is this you can and i totally agree no food is tasty enough to beat the feeling of fitting into smaller size clothes. My nan used to say 'a minute on the lips a lifetime on the hips' xxx
Also found these in tescos today hope there nice :)


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Oh leah. thats why ive been so quiet my phone is at the menders hopefully it will be back on friday.. soon as its back ill be back here to catch up. Cant be doing with using my lap top its so annoying lol.