My mission to be a Princess

I've also just realised... my BMI is no longer over 30!!! I'm no longer Obese!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYY
I know right... I'm over the moon... going to stay on plan this weekend though and hopefully match that loss and I'll be well on the way to my 2stone March deadline!! So EXCITING!! x x
I hope so... although I don't want to rush it too much as when I have Valentines day off I don't want to put on like 5lb for just eating on one day! But how you are breaking it down... I am doing the same... get to Feb 14th and I am going to have a day of indulgence and then back on the straight and narrow until 8 March... weekend off and reassess the situation. I saw a diet last night... the Harcombe diet and it's what I might use when I get there but it all depends on how I'm feeling. I might need to do another 4 weeks on this just to get my final bits off before I'm refeeding but I can come to that post when I need to! Looking forward and it all looks so positive :) x x
Thank you GSG :)

OK so an update on my day today... I've just got out of my meeting... somebody thought it would be really nice to plonk the yummy biscuits right in front of me. I actually thought they would jump inot my mouth! I was even weighing up having one and that would mean I could have some wine and then go out for dinner tonight as well... but nope I resisted... it also reminded me how much I would eat and drink on an occassion like this... If I was in that meeting room on my own I'm pretty sure I could polish off the whole plate of biscuits...

Anyway... now just the pub and getting out of dinner... if I passed the biscuit test then I'm never going to succumb now!! Mainly because I'd have wasted an opportunity to have those ;)

Hope everyone else's days are going ok!! I shall update further once the pub and hopefully not dinner have been conquered!! x x
Thank you for your kind messages!!

The last 3 hours have been unbearable!!

So we left the office to go for a drink... ordering sparkling water made my heart sink to the floor.... FREE WINE!! Ha ha but I resisted. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself... I wasn't really in the mood to make conversation and didnt want the risk of being asked to go for dinner so I left! Everyone is so nice and it is very unlikely for me to leave before I'm about to hit the floor that they were really worried something was wrong lol Even so much my manager has just text me to make sure I'm OK... bless him... we have such a father daughter relationship he's very sweet and was very much like there's nothing I need to be worried about is there!

So... anyway.. I now feel very faint and sick and all I can think about is eating something. The woman on the tube in front of me was eating fried chicken.. I had to walk past about 20 take aways and shops on the way home... and I so easily could have gone in but I didnt... now all I can stomach eating is a bar... but I've already had one of those... so I don't want to do any damage. Any advice?

Sorry for the moan but I feel rubbish!! x x x
Well done by the way, you have incredible will power, and once you get to goal people will put 2+2 together and realise why you had to make certain choices. xx
Yeah... they're fine about it and most of them know I was on a diet! I went for an hour and made an effort! So sweet that people care though :)

Thank you for your support lol yeah I have an argument with myself for will power... I wont let myself give in to prove to myself ha ha ha x x
You are going so well and I think it's all about retaining that goal in your mind and reminding yourself that this isn't forever, it's more of a stepping stone to get you on the right path for the future. So nice that you have caring boss. My boss is quite frankly, awful haha
My motivation

So... because I feel so rubbish I thought I'd post my photo from last time I was on Cambridge...

This was from January to the beginning of April. I've put on about a stone since that photo... however 3 more weeks and I should be back there and then 2 months after that and I might have a third one to add :)



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Found an even worse picture... and this really has made me feel better :)


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Wow katy! what a difference!!! That is amazing, you have done brilliantly! You should be so proud of yourself! I wish I'd have done this at 21, I am now 26 and have spent my 20s overweight and obese! Well 27 is going to be different!!!

You have a nice bodyshape too and I think you look great in the photo with the black and purple dress, that's similar to my goal! xx
Awww thank you! I think I was about 12 stone there so I'd like to lose 2 more than that... it is a flattering dress lol... Its my legs that are my major problem and I think that's why I've always yoyoed cause I've never got rid of them but determined to get rid of them soon!! I'm just glad that dress still fits ha ha just a tiny bit tighter... but not for long :)

Yeah I started this journey for my 21st Birthday and when it did come.. I did feel amazing but now it's time to get exactly where I want to be and confident!!

Great attitude... 27 is the year for change... no reason to look back! I've been dieting since I was 12 so 2012 is the end of it for me!

I didn't have a bar... went and had a shake :) all this deliberating is hard work ha ha x x