My mother died on Sunday night and I'm struggling

sorry to hear your news. Do what you feel is best for you - no one else knows how you feel and it is not their business what you do.
Hugs x

Just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss and hope that you come through this toughter and stronger.

Thinking about you and sending you lots of hugs.

Louale x
Very sorry to hear your sad news, whatever decision you make will be the right one for you.
Morning, it's always sad when someone passes away, especially if things are left unsaid. We are all different in our emmotions though. My mums 2nd husband (married when I was 5, divorced when I was 16) played a big part in my life until he left, but he never looked back. I sent him Christmas cards and photo's of the children when they were born, but he never sent a reply. He died in the summer. Yes, I hope he rests in piece and my thoughts are with his new family, but I chose not to go to the funeral. My twin sister, who had never sent a card etc, went to pay her respects, she was treated very well by his new family and was please she went. I didn't regret not going..
Strange old world.
You'll do what's best...Take care.
So sorry to hear your news, especially under such difficult circumstances. The loss of a parent is always hard, and made more difficult by mixed emotions.
You said that your weight issues are connected with your mother, so please please try to stay strong and stay on plan - you don't need another thing to hate yourself/your mother for.
Take care, and keep talking to us.
Sharon x
I can only go on what happened with my mum when her mum died a few years ago. She had spent all her life 62 years trying to be the daughter she wanted her to be and failed miserably, I was shocked at the effect this womans death had on my very stong minded mum, it took her years to get over it so no matter what happened between you and yours the emotions we feel are stonger than we would ever believe until it happens to us. If I was in your shoes I would go to the funeral, stay out of the way of the rest of them then at least you will be able to resolve something inside in time to come even if its just to say at least I saw her off. Not an easy one at all and only you will know what is right for you. xx
ive no advise hunni cause never been in that situation but u will know what is right for u. stay strong, sending hugs xxx
Funerals can be very therapeutic, it closes the chapter in a very physical and obviously emotional way. You need to march on and come to terms with the fact that your mum is no more, which may be easier to accept if you partake in her funeral. It's also so important for you to mentally visualise her in good light, try to concentrate on the good times only, this helps by having photos of her taken in the good years. This can be an amazing comfort.
Just wanted to say hi. It's a rotten time of year, just lose a great friend in a car crash on Christmas Eve, not sure how I feel yet. I don't want to upset the kids, but, but, but.
Don't know what else to say. Thoughts are with you and Godbless...x x x x
So sorry

There is no easy way to do it, but they will have to know. I expect you've already told your kids now.
Thinking of you.:(