Hi Jackie
It's really lovely of you to stop by! I've been reading your diary and know that you're going through a rough time, so I really appreciate your thoughtfulness! Don't ever doubt yourself because from what I see of you you are a wonderful caring person who looks after everyone. Don't forget to look after yourself sometimes.
do excuse me typing within your text but its the only way I remember all the bits I wanted to say
must be an age thing :8855:
thanks for your kind words, you will and possibly have already noticed I'm okay encouraging and looking after others but not so good at looking out for number one. Its just me nature
another thing I'm working on ie getting a little me time. I guess I am lucky as once they all go back to work and school next week
whoops, that was a little energetic for first thing
i get the house to myself all day :bliss:
Anyway, nan is still in hospital and it's all still in limbo, no-one is really sure what's going on. I'd rather know one way or the other, I know this sounds horrible. I really just don't want her to suffer any more, she's been in constant pain for about 5 years, no pain medication is working for her.
I can relate to this. Its awful watching them suffer. My Nanna was the same
and gary's Dad is the same now
awful to watch and be in limbo for so long :bighug:
I want my mum to have a life, she has been my nan's primary care giver for over 8 years, I don't know how she does it. My mum is only in her early 60's and I don't want her to give up on life, to me she's still young with so much she wants to do. We lost dad 12 years ago and since then she's just buried her head and looked after Nan and her husband (who passed 8 years ago).
your Mum sounds lovely bless her :bighug: it was probably her way of coping sweetie. Sort of thing I would do, and guess to a point I did do, so can so relate to it. It was far far easier to busy myself running around after everyone than grieve for my Dad, as that hurt, and the busyness took some of the hurt away
I want her to be happy. She's got us 3 kids (well we're her babies) not that any of us are kids by a long stretch!

we support her in any way we can. Sorry started to ramble, not sure where I was going with this.
all you can do sweetie, and the time will come when she needs you all to rally round and pick her up again if something happens to Nan :bighug:
Not tried the pitta pasty, I'm not that keen on pasty type things but OH has been banging on about the smash ones since I told him. Plus my mum has ibs and as I'm cooking all week I'm trying basic stuff, not too many spices or tomatoes for MooMa ( that's what I call my mum), she doesn't need dodgy belly as well as all the stress!
not tried the smash ones.. ever since I made a mistake and ate a whole smash pizza on a red day i've avoided the stuff
I'm sorry for rambling at you Jackie I know you've got enough going on. Thanks for listening.
Oh by the way my name is Sarah but you can call me pix if you like (it is my nickname, has been for years)