Sorry Jackie.
Here are my positives over the past few days.....
1, despite feeling ill I've been almost 100%
2, went to London by myself without panicking
3, had interview and didn't have a panic attack
4, had several compliments at darts tonight and just said thank-you
5, finished sorting out the last of nans things and only thought of happy times with her
6, need to buy smaller jeans
7, OH said he'd buy me a new engagement ring as the one I have keeps falling off
8, a friend of mine said every time I see you you've shrunk more - you look amazing. Yippee!
9, have the most amazing family and friends (minis included!)
10, tried SW sausage rolls, which were amazing
11, finding writing this positive list surprisingly easy
12, truly believe that I've got my depression/anxiety in check at the moment
13, planning to plant some veggies in my patch over the next few days
14, all of my clothes are too big
15, when I buy new clothes they'll be the smallest size I've ever bought
16, found a cine camera that belonged to my grandad and am going to use it
17, my OH is amazing! He loves me for who I am and not what I look like
Wow! What a list! A lot of them are pretty major for me but I really believe them.
Thank-you Jackie for motivating me to do them!