marmite 330
Gold Member
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Hi Guys
I can't tell you how grateful I feel for all of the fantastic advice that has been posted. It has really helped me see things from lots of different perspectives, and I feel better able to cope with the situation now. I guess I have to accept that I can't fix everything, but can perhaps try to influence the outcome of my problem by having a big talk with my Mum. She is coming for a Mothers day meal tomorrow- probably so it may be a real good opportunity to tell her how much I care for her and worry about her health. I just hope I can do it in a way that shows love but not judgement.
As harsh as it may seem, I think you should print off this thread and show her. I am 22 stone and I am slimming so I can be sure to be alive to watch my 6 year old daughter grow up, my doctor told me it was a real prospect that I would die before then and this has shocked me into doing somthing, I have heaps of wieight to lose but just take it one meal at a time.
With best wishes
Sorry i didn't read this update first!! Great newsDue to so much fantastic advice from you guys, I had a real talk with my Mum on Sunday and told her a lot about how I felt, how much I worried about her dying, etc.
There were lots of tears but it was incredibly positive. My Mum said she had no idea how it was making other people feel and worry. She said that she felt that would give her an incentive to really give SW a go this time.
She has subsequently had her 1st weigh-in and lost 4.5 lbs!
I can't tell you how pleased we both were- more so because she actually seems quite determined for the first time in a long time. There is a massive way to go, but I actually feel hopeful.
Again, a massive thank you for all the advice. You took time to help a stranger, and I want you to know how grateful I am for all the support
There were lots of tears but it was incredibly positive. My Mum said she had no idea how it was making other people feel and worry. She said that she felt that would give her an incentive to really give SW a go this time.
She has subsequently had her 1st weigh-in and lost 4.5 lbs!
I can't tell you how pleased we both were- more so because she actually seems quite determined for the first time in a long time. There is a massive way to go, but I actually feel hopeful.
Again, a massive thank you for all the advice. You took time to help a stranger, and I want you to know how grateful I am for all the support
The point of my long post is that i think there is a trigger for everyone that they think right i have to do this (in their own time) and that was my brothers. It is very frustrating in the mean time for you though, and i know exactly how you feel, however i do think that until she wants to do it deep down herself your mum might cheat or not really stick to plan.